Eric Koston特别撰文:与俊仔共同在香港滑板

谈到香港滑板就不能不聊及到Brian Siswojo,Warren Stuart和他们的8Five2 滑板店,那里是香港滑板的最初发源之一,培养起了一代如今香港的核心滑板力量,俊仔(Chun Chai)就是其中一人。Eric Koston最近在Berrics特别撰写了一篇文章通过俊仔这个角度来看香港的滑板。

“I went to Hong Kong for the first time in 2004 and on that trip I was fortunate enough to meet Brian Siswojo who owns the skateshop out there, 8Five2. Back then the scene was relatively small for a booming metropolis like Hong Kong, with there only being one skatepark and only a couple handfuls of guys rounding out their core skate scene. Brian and his best friend Warren Stuart have been skating for well over 20 years and that passion has evolved into growing their skate community by doing local contests, getting big name tours to come through Hong Kong and helping get 7 new skateparks built. That support has not only grown an awesome skate scene, but it’s also grown awesome skateboarders. In particular Chun Chai, who is featured in this piece. He’s won many contests including an Asian X-Games and Element’s “Make It Count” contest, which won him a trip to The Berrics last year. His success story isn’t just about his accomplishments and accolades though. It’s also about the perpetuation of growing and sharing the joys that Brian and Warren have gotten from skateboarding, which helped nurture Chun Chai’s love for it and how he’d like to continue that legacy of supporting a solid skate community in Hong Kong. ”

我第一次来到香港是在2004年,当时很庆幸可以见到Brian Siswojo,他在香港成立了8Five2 滑板店。对于香港这样的大都市来说当时的滑板发展还不是特别兴盛,只有一个滑板场和屈指可数的核心滑手在每天滑板。Brian和他的好兄弟Warren Stuart一起滑板了20多年,通过办滑板赛事,吸引大品牌到港滑板旅行和协办兴建板场逐渐推动着香港滑板的发展。他们的努力不仅让香港的滑板氛围变得更好,同时也培养起了非常多优秀的滑手,特别是俊仔。

俊仔是这部纪录片的主角,他得到了相当多的奖项,包括X-Games亚洲赛和Element的Make It Count滑板赛,之前也曾来到Berrics做客。他的成长故事不仅仅是香港滑板的一个典型,更将老一代滑板人Brian和Warren对滑板的热爱加以传承,我相信他一定会将自己对滑板的热爱投入到日后香港滑板发展当中。

——–Eric Koston



原创音乐:Adam Fligsten

英文翻译:Tina Ta

特别感谢:J Brian Siswojo,ProBLam,Luk Chun Yin


Post By: wolfhowl @ 四 26, 2013
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