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耐克签约滑手埃里克·科斯顿(Eric Koston)和肖恩·莫特(Sean Malto)出席了西单大悦城开幕活动


埃里克•科斯顿(Eric Koston)和肖恩•莫特(Sean Malto)


“滑板运动在中国发展迅猛,北京西单地区就活跃着众多热爱滑板的青年人。”耐克公司大中华地区极限运动品类总经理朱广贤说。“我们选址于此, 就是为了更贴近这些滑板爱好者。耐克受到许多顶尖滑手青睐;而在这家店里,我们将不断为中国滑板爱好者们提供最新的产品和最贴心的服务。”

埃里克•科斯顿(Eric Koston)和肖恩•莫特(Sean Malto) 耐克中国滑板队成员车霖等嘉宾为耐克大中华地区最大的极限运动专卖店剪彩

埃里克·科斯顿(Eric Koston)和肖恩·莫特(Sean Malto)携手耐克中国滑板队成员,中国顶尖的滑板好手车霖、谢汶凯、胡天佑、DANIEL JASON LEUNG、刘晓欲、胡近辰共同出席了活动。滑手们回答了来自滑板爱好者的问题,同时埃里克·科斯顿更为中国市场带来了其备受瞩目的第二代耐克签名滑板鞋——Nike Eric Koston 2. 拥有Lunarlon缓震技术,加强了透气性和耐磨性的这款全新产品即将在4月初正式上市。

耐克传奇滑手埃里克•科斯顿(Eric Koston)介绍Nike Eric Koston 2

耐克明星滑手肖恩•莫特(Sean Malto)在照片墙上签名留念

店铺布置将个性、艺术与文化感巧妙融合, 创造出一个真实而吸引滑板人的空间。店铺内设有滑板桌,备有滑板工具供爱好者们使用; 大幅的滑手Demo照片、滑板视频展现出浓烈的滑板风格。街头感十足的涂鸦墙由北京著名涂鸦艺术家李球球创作,作品以埃里克·科斯顿、保罗·罗德里格斯、奥马尔·萨拉扎、车霖等众多耐克签约滑手肖像为灵感。而胡同砖墙、老式井盖等不少京味元素的巧妙融入为这家耐克极限运动店铺增添了浓郁的北京韵味。此外,店内还将定期邀请国内外知名滑手与消费者互动,传授滑板绝招。

店内特色Nike 滑手涂鸦墙




- Nike’s largest action sports store in Greater China opens in Beijing

Jan. 29 marked a big milestone for Nike Action Sports in China, as the brand opened its first action sports-specific store in Beijing. The store is located on the fifth floor of Joy City shopping center in the Xidan district, the heart of the city’s skateboarding community. At 110 square meters, it’s Nike’s largest action sports store in Greater China. Shoppers will find a full range of the latest Nike action sports footwear and apparel.

“Skateboarding is growing quickly in China, and there are many fans of the sport in the Xidan area,” said Jason Zhu, GM, Nike Action Sports in Greater China. “We chose this location to be closer to the skate communities. Many top athletes are already fans of Nike Skateboarding, and the new store will continue to bring Chinese skaters the most advanced products and best services available.”

Nike Skateboarding athletes Eric Koston and Sean Malto attended the opening ceremony and were joined by members of the Nike Skateboarding China team, including top Chinese skateboarder Che Lin as well as Boss Xie, Jeremy Hu, Daniel Jason Leung, Didi Liu and Hu Jinchen. The athletes answered questions from fans, and Koston showed off the second generation of his signature shoe – the Koston 2. Featuring Lunarlon cushioning and enhanced breathability, durability and fit, the Koston 2 will be available in early April.

The store mixes unique, artistic elements as well as cultural influences from the city itself to create an authentic, inviting space for the skate community. A table with tools is available for customers to fix their boards, and videos and photos help bring the sport to life throughout the store. Famed Beijing graffiti artist Li Qiuqiu created a unique painting in the store inspired by Nike SB athletes Koston, Paul Rodriguez, Omar Salazar and Che Lin. Brick walls and graffiti manhole covers add strong local flavor to the modern space. Members of the Nike SB team plan to visit the store regularly interact with skate fans.

This store is open daily from 10 a.m.-10 p.m.


耐克公司总部位于美国俄勒冈州比佛顿,致力于设计、销售以及经营各类体育和健身运动所需的运动鞋类、服装、装备及配饰,处于行业内的领先地位。耐克 公司全资拥有的子公司包括:主要设计、销售和经营运动鞋类、服装及配饰的Converse公司,以及主要设计、销售和经营极限运动且符合年轻人生活方式的 鞋类、服装及配饰的Hurley国际公司。如需更多资料,请登陆www.nikeinc.com


创造历史、颠覆创意、推崇极限运动的本真,Nike Action将这种使命感和耐克的创新和科技完美结合在一起,推动世界顶级运动员的进步。 Nike Action专注于滑板运动、滑雪运动和冲浪运动,充分听取运动员的意见,所有鞋款和服装将高端材料、创新设计与经典款式完美结合。 Nike Action以俄勒冈州比弗顿耐克公司总部为基地,致力于促进和支持全球极限运动的发展。如需更多资料,请关注微薄@NikeAction

Post By: wolfhowl @ 一 29, 2013
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