摩洛哥滑板旅行记录片:《Ocean, Lotion&Motion》


In December 2012, while there was snowing in our little European country Slovenia, we went on a two week tour to Morocco, Africa. We took a flight from Milano to Marrakesh, where we stayed one night and the very next day continued our journey to Agadir.(去年的12月,我们的家乡,欧洲小国斯洛文尼亚还飘着阵阵的雪花。于是我们决定到非洲的摩洛哥去展开一次滑板旅行。我们乘飞机从意大利米兰转机先到达了摩洛哥古都城马拉喀什,在那呆了一夜后就继续向摩洛哥的港口城市阿加迪尔进发。)

The city is beautiful, people are very friendly and the sunsets are just like in a fairy tale. If you someday visit Morocco, you need to try their traditional food Tajine, you can go surfing or skateboarding and most importantly have fun and relax.(阿加迪尔是一座非常美丽的城市,人们也非常友好,那的日落就像是童话一般。如果你有机会去摩洛哥游玩的话,一定要试试他们当地的特色小吃Tajine。在那里我们滑板,冲浪去享受这段医生难忘的美好时光。)

We would like to thank all the people we met and of course the biggest thanks goes to Missa Abdallah for inviting us to Morocco and being our tour guide.(感谢所有一路上帮助我们的人们,更感谢Missa Abdallah 邀请了我们到摩洛哥旅行并担任我们的向导)


参与滑手:Timotej Lampeignjic,Mark Presetnik,Matej Marinko等

拍摄剪辑:Kristijan Stramic

背景音乐:Boys—-”Little Numbers”



Post By: wolfhowl @ 一 22, 2013
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