Ordos “鄂尔多斯”正式上线

现居上海的法国滑板摄像师Charles Lanceplaine的新片Ordos“鄂尔多斯”在上周五的Arcade Skatevideo Night中同Converse x Vagabond “流浪日” 视频和Patrik Wallner的“遇上斯坦”共同进行了首映式。争得Charles Lanceplaine同意,该片于今日也是正式在本站上线。

今年9月初,Jay Meador,黄剑沣,Elliott Zelinskas等一行自发组织来到内蒙西南城市鄂尔多斯展开他们的滑板之旅。与纷繁嘈杂的城市不同,鄂尔多斯没有太多喧嚣,静静的守忘着那片曾经丰饶美丽现已渐渐萧瑟的内蒙古大草原。对于滑手而言,这里无疑是一个天堂,数之不尽的地形,鲜有的人烟,没有警察保安的束缚,有的只是心灵的感悟与净化。就这样点击播放键,开始一份属于心灵的滑板之旅。

Built for 1 million people and currently inhabited by just a few thousand.It’s been called the Dubai of northern China, showered with wealth, packed with public infrastructure and located near to precious natural resources in a region plagued by water-supply troubles.Ordos is a ghost town located in Inner Mongolia. Seeing the potential of this city in terms of spots we decided to organize a skate trip and be the first ones to skate such a surreal place.


—————-Charles Lanceplaine


参与滑手:Elliott Zelinskas,Jay Meador, Gustav Nymans, Tommy Zhao, Alexander Hwang, Brian Dolle,James Capps

拍摄剪辑:Charles Lanceplaine

附加拍摄:Tommy Zhao,Patrik Wallner

背景音乐:Hamacide Cha Cha—-“You Me”

Logo设计: jmartdesign.com



Source:Charles Lanceplain

Post By: wolfhowl @ 十 16, 2012
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