Eric Koston的“上海惊喜”

Eric Koston为我们带来了他用iPro Lens所拍摄的上海之旅片段回顾,从Nike City Jam决赛及运动汇活动现场到与Guy Mariano玩转街头,Koston用他的视角为我们揭开此次上海之旅,片中还从超近距离记录了City Jam Best Trick决赛不容错过的精彩动作。赶快点开视频看看Eric Koston为我们带来的上海惊喜!

“This is all footage from a recent trip I went on to Shanghai, China. The first part of my trip was for the Nike Festival of Sport, which Nike China puts on to promote all sorts of different sports. They brought out myself, Theotis Beasley, Stefan Janoski, Omar Salazar, NBA superstars Lebron James, Amare Stoudamire, Paul George, Rudy Gay, Kevin Durant and NFL legend Ladainian Tomlinson. We all participated in the multitude of interactive sporting demos along with thousands of Chinese fans, including a basketball game with all of us. Which me being such a huge b-ball fan, was a personal highlight.

(这是我最近在中国上海所拍摄的一些片段,第一部分是我参加的Nike中国主持举行的大型运动推广活动Festival Of Sports(运动汇)。他们让我,Theotis Beasley, Stefan Janoski,Omar Salazar还有NBA超级明星Lebron James, Amare Stoudamire, Paul George, Rudy Gay, Kevin Durant以及NFL传奇人物Ladainian Tomlinson一起参与到活动当中。我们和上千名运动爱好者们一起参与了各式各样的运动项目,其中包括了一场我们参与的全明星篮球赛,对于篮球粉丝的我可以与这些超级明星同场竞技可谓是一次升华。)

After that Guy Mariano, Justin Eldridge, Brad Staba, photographer Jon Humphries and filmer Anthony Claravall met up with me to skate and film in Shanghai.

(在那之后Guy Mariano, Justin Eldridge, Brad Staba还有摄影师Jon Humphries和摄像师Anthony Claravall集结到一起开始了上海的滑板拍摄工作)

All of this was filmed on my iPhone with an iPro Lens. Thanks to Omar and Schneider Optics for hooking it up! That being said, please excuse the dodgy camera work. Hope y’all enjoy it! ”

(以上这些片段都是用我iPhone上的iPro Lens 拍摄的,多谢Omar和Schneider Optics为我提供这套装备!说了这么多,希望大家能够原谅我略显拙劣的拍摄技术而去享受这次滑板之旅!)

———————-Eric Koston




Post By: wolfhowl @ 九 30, 2012
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