Skater Plus+:对话Theotis Beasley

这一期的Skater Plus对话的是在Nike City Jam 期间来到上海参与活动并进行Demo表演的Baker\Nike SB滑手Theotis Beasley,一起通过访谈了解下Theotis 最近在忙些什么,Baker的新片会有哪些惊喜,以及他对此次中国之旅的感受。


1.Hey,Theotis,whats up,man?What have you been busy with?And how do you think about this trip so far?


—Theotis Beasley:Hey,Im doing good,been busy filming the new baker video and skate trips.I was amazed by the event.It is great i get to play bball with  Stoudemire and the guys.Also i see a lot of really good skaters here too.

我还不错,最近一直在忙着拍Baker的片子,还有各种的滑板旅行。这次的Nike 活动充满了惊喜,当然可以和斯塔德迈尔这些篮球明星一起打球更是我梦寐以求的。更重要的是这次的活动让我看到了很多中国非常优秀的滑手


2.Regards to the upcoming Baker video,whose part do you think we should keep an eye out for?and have you got enough footage?


—Theotis Beasley:Everyone has been killing it,Andrew’s part will always be sick!Also Figgy,that guy is no joke,monster rails,big hubbas.Compare to these guys my part is way not enough so I’m still working on it.

Baker的每个人都非常的猛,Andrew Reynolds的部分肯定会特别的惊人,当然还有Figgy的部分,他可不是混饭吃的,吓人的扶手,巨型的斜台,什么都敢去玩。和他们相比我可能略显逊色一些,不过我一直在不断的积累片段。


3.Who in the Bakerboys Distribution is your best homie ?And who is your favourite skater in the BBD?

(你和Bakerboy Distribution中的哪位滑手最亲密?你最喜欢Bakerboy Distribution中的哪位滑手?)

—Theotis Beasley: Antwan is my boy,he is really sick too.My favourite skater in the team definitely is Andrew Reynold. He is “The Boss”, man.He is like 35 or sth still jumpping down mega stairs and big rails,best frontside flip in the business too!

(Antwan Dixon可以说像我的亲兄弟一样,我们一直是非常要好。至于在Bakerboy Distribution中最喜欢的滑手,当然是Andrew Reynolds了。他可以说是无人能敌。都快35了还依然能跳大台阶,下长扶手。他的Frontside Flip可以说是所有滑手中最好的了!)


4.About Antwan,what is he upto now?And how is the Deathwish video doing?

(关于Antwan Dixon,他现在在忙些什么?Deathwish那边的Video拍的又怎么样?)

—Theotis Beasley:He is back skating everyday,filming with homies,doing all right.Sometimes we film together .The Deathwish dudes are tight too.Erik and Jim,also there are a couple of new guys on the team ,The Deathwish video is coming soon so don’t miss it.

(Antwan最近还不错,他几乎每天都在滑板,然后和朋友们一起拍些视频,我和他也有时会一起滑板拍片。Deathwish的滑手们个个也都是不容忽视。Erik Ellington和Jim Greco的部分一定非常精彩。他们的队伍中也加了几个新人。Deathwish的视频也会很快发布的,所以一定不要错过。)


5.Who do you think gonna turn pro next in the Baker team?and is it gonna be like when Shane Heyl at the premier of the new video.

(你认为Baker队伍的AM里谁会成为下一位的Pro滑手?还会像Shane Heyl那样在新片的首映式上揭露么?)

—Theotis Beasley: I think Riley Hawk probablywill be the next pro for baker.He has been killing it.His video parts are amazing.I dont know what’s gonna happen on the premier day but whatever happens you gotta watch out!

(我想Riley Hawk很可能下一个晋级Baker Pro滑手级别,他的表现一直非常不错,他的滑板部分也是相当好看。至于首映式上会发生什么我也不知道,还是让我们一起来期待吧!)


6.A lot of skaters think your style fits in DGK more.  how do you initially got on the Baker team,can you share some details?


—Theotis Beasley:It happened one day i was skating a rail at my local skatepark,and Andrew saw me and asked if i wanted some boards and staff.It was “The Boss” man.Back then he was my idol.Of course i would join him.I answered him.Then i started to get boxes from Baker.

(有一天我在我当地的滑板场滑扶手,然后Andrew看到了我,就问我是否想要一些板面板和产品。那个时候能和“The Boss”交谈别提多开心了,他可是我当时心目中的偶像,我当然想和他一起滑板。我高兴的回答了他,从那以后就开始收到Baker的赞助了。)


7.You have amazing backside heelflips and kickflip,how did you get them?little tip?

(你有非常好的Backside Heelflip和Backside Kickflip,你是如何掌控这两个动作的?有什么小窍门么?)

—Theotis Beasley:I guess you just keep working on them man! They are not so hard, if you keep trying them you will get it someday,but dont give up.



8.You turned pro last year?how do you feel about being a rookie Pro?


—Theotis Beasley:It’s overwhalming.I’m still a rookie pro,there is a lot to learn.Now I have to start working on projects and board graphics and staff.Sheduel’s pretty tight.But i like it.



9.A little private question,are you planning to move out from your sister?and who are you going to live with?


—Theotis Beasley:Haha,yeah, im gonna move out in about 2 months.My sister helped me a lot. I’m gonna move in with my homies.It is more convienent for her and me both.



10.Any message you want to pass on to chinese skateboarders?


—Theotis Beasley:Keep skating and Enjoy it!



Post By: wolfhowl @ 九 01, 2012
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