Street League 2012 决赛战报及视频回顾

Street League 最后一站新泽西州Newark站于美国时间昨日落下帷幕。Nyjah Huston以稳定出色的发挥再度获得2012 Street League总冠军。PRod在比赛中一直与Nyjah互不分上下,最后更是杀出了switch frontside heelflip,可惜没能成功与冠军失之交臂。Chris Cole与Chaz Ortiz也是以优异的表现分居2,3位。Best Trick赛冠军则是被Shane O’Neill获得。

赛后Nyjah Huston在采访中谈到讲到:

“I definitely was not expecting to win, because when you expect to win, you lose .All of the guys killed it so hard today. You have to land your tricks on the spot. The pressure is on. But there is no better competition ground than Street League, we always bring our best for SLS and Rob Dyrdek.”(我并没有特意去想赢得比赛,因为如果你总是想去赢比赛,你往往都会输掉比赛。所有的参赛选手都非常拼命。当然在Street League这种高标准的比赛中,每个动作都必须完成的近乎完美才能获得高分,这样的比赛很锻炼人。我们也将最佳的表现献给了Street League与Rob Dyrdek)

Street League 最后一站最终成绩:

Street League 2012 总成绩:


视频开始为Best Trick赛,之后则是决赛片段



Source:TWS +Street League

Post By: wolfhowl @ 八 27, 2012
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