Skater Plus+ :社会+NikeSB滑手Dan Leung专访

1.来自哪里?现在你的赞助商有哪些?(Where r u from,and who r ur sponsors now?)

Dan:I was born in HK. Moved to Scotland and lived there till i was 9, then moved to Shanghai. I have lived in China ever since.(我出生在香港,9岁时搬到了苏格兰并在那里居住,之后又迁居上海,然后就一直在中国生活。)

Dan:My sponsors: Nike SB, Know1edge, Independent trucks, Oj Wheels and Society Skateboards.(我的赞助商包括:Nike SB, Know1edge, Independent trucks, Oj Wheels 和 Society Skateboards(社会滑板))

2.最近已经在网上以及微博都看到了你加入到NIKE SB中国队伍,对此有什么想说的?(Leaks from Weibo & Facebook showed tt u jst joined the Nike SB team,what r ur thoughts on tt ,and how do u feel about the new team?)

Dan:Im real happy and lucky to be the new member of the team! Majority of the team are guys i grew up skating with so its perfect. The team is dope!(我很高兴也很庆幸能加入到Nike SB的队伍当中!队伍里的大部分滑手都是和我一起滑板长大的,都是好兄弟,Nike SB队伍也很优秀。)

3.你认为Converse的和Nike SB有何不同,从品牌文化,团队到给你的感觉?(What r the differences between Nike SB & Converse  in terms of the brand culture, team & feelings).

Dan:In all honesty there is no big difference. Both companies are dope and both have sick teams. Just depends on what you prefer at the end of the day.(说真的,其实队伍之间并没有太大的区别,两个公司都非常不错,而且队员也都相当厉害,无论加入哪家公司其实完全都是由于自己喜欢。)

4.这几站的City Jam过后有何难忘的经历?你想借此次采访机会答谢一下哪些人(Anything/Experience particularly impressed u during the Nike City Jam,Anybody that helped u in City Jam and u wanna give a shout-out )

Dan:Shout out to everybody that comes out and skates! The more people that come out and support, the longer we can keep throwing events.(所有参与City Jam的滑手们都是好样的!越多的人出来滑板,来支持本土滑板发展,我们也能越经常的开展活动。)

5.除了Nike City Jam以外,本年度Nike还会有哪些运作,哪些活动/比赛你将在下半年参与?(Except City Jam,is there any other event that nike will be holding this year? and what Events/Competitions will you join for the coming half year?)

Dan:Besides City Jam im not sure what else will happen this year. As for events and contests, ill try be present as much as i can.(除了City Jam以外,我也不确定今年还会有什么活动,而至于滑板活动和比赛,我会尽我所尽可能多的参与)

6.看你经常在香港和内地间往返,香港的滑板氛围如何?与内地又有何区别?(U travel a lot between Mainland China & HK, how do u like about Hong Kong’s skateboarding scene? and compared to Mainland China ,what r the differences ?)

Dan:I try go to HK as much as possible, i still have family down there. There is no difference in the scene. We all skate!(我会尽可能多的回到香港,因为在那里有我的家人,其实我感觉香港的滑板氛围与内地没有什么太大的区别,大家都在滑板嘛!)

7.你喜欢的国内/国外滑手都有哪些?(Who r your favourite skaters Chinese/Non-Chinese?)

Dan:My favourite chinese skater has been and always will be Xu Ying. My favourite non-chinese skater is Guy Mariano. Hands down!(我最喜欢的国内滑手一直都是许莹,国外滑手的话100%是Guy Mariano,没说的。)

8. 关于社会滑板。。。(how do u think about Society Skateboards Aka 社会滑板)


9. 有什么打算。。。。。。(What r your plans right now?)

Dan:Keep skating!(继续滑板!)


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Post By: Vince @ 七 28, 2012
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