Mike Anderson加入Converse滑板队伍

Es的战略性停歇也使得不少旗下滑手要为自己另谋去处。细心的朋友也不难发现Mike Anderson在今年的Video中穿的一直是Converse的鞋款,自然也就不难推测他退出Es转投Converse。今天,Converse也是正式发布了Mike Anderson加入的消息。让我们恭喜他的同时也期待他的更多精彩表现。


点击这里查看Mike Anderson的Converse欢迎视频。


Converse为Mike Anderson撰写的人物简传:

“Mike grew up skating the streets of Ventura, California although he is not your typical So-Cal skateboarder. He is raw, unpolished with an effortless style and comfortable skating any terrain that is put in his path. When you witness him skateboarding you can see that he is having a good time. He does not consider skateboarding as a job and gets uncomfortable when people refer to it as a career. Mike receives strong support from his sponsors and has already released a few memorable video parts. Be on the lookout for great things to come from Mike as he is always ready for the next adventure.”

Mike Anderson虽然在南加州的Ventura 滑板与成长,但是风格上却并不是典型的南加州滑手。他生猛而又质朴,可以适应任何地形,并敢于尝试不同的动作。从他的滑板之中不难看出他是在享受这种生活。他不认为滑板是自己的工作,而且当别人提到将滑板作为职业时也会让他感到不舒服。Mike Anderson的赞助商对他都非常支持,而且Mike也总会有非常不错的滑板部分发布出来。让我们一同期待Mike Anderson以后的更多精彩表现,因为他已经开始了全新的滑板旅程。

更多关于Mike Anderson信息:

家乡:加州 Ventura  年龄:23  脚位:Goofy  级别:Pro

赞助商:Krooked, Spitfire, Thunder, Matix Clothing



Post By: wolfhowl @ 五 24, 2012
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