Daniel Shimizu加入Heroin Skateboards

自08年9月离开板面品牌Stereo之后,美籍日裔滑手Daniel Shimizu就一直未曾找到过合适的新东家。不过在今天终于有了Daniel的好消息,英国板面品牌Heroin Skateboards发出公告,宣布Daniel Shimizu的正式加入。Heroin在欢迎海报上强调:Daniel Shmizu是Heroin Team里的首位美国职业滑手,而且是位日裔滑手。考虑到Heroin于在去年挂靠于Bakerboys Distribution之下开始进军美国市场,加上日本本来就是他们的目标市场,这样的选择算是一箭双雕。

Heroin为Daniel Shimizu推出的签名板面即将发布有售!板面的图案也是选择了颇具东方色彩的招财猫卡通形象(这个图案很难不让大家联想起5年前由日本设计师Maneki Neko创作的Nike SB ”Money Cat“ 招财猫系列 Dunk 组合)

Daniel Shimizu简介:


脚位:Regular (左脚在前)


赞助商:Heroin, Nike SB, Hi Fidelity, We Are The Superlative Conspiracy, Insight

Look at this photo of me and Shimizu. Look at our happy little faces, we’re both stoked out of our minds because he rides for Heroin Skateboards now. I mean he has done for a while, his board has been out for a month. That was kind of a big clue. It just took me a while to get round to doing this press release because I was skateboarding, drawing, eating hamburgers, and really just living my life. Here’s a quote from me about it. “I thought Shimizu was washed up, then I saw his Skateboard Mag interview and that Nike part and I was like damn this guy is still killing it. Then he tappeed me up about riding for Heroin and I said hell yeah.” So there you have it, a press release that’s a month late, but there’s a sick sequence of Shimizu for you to check out. Stoked to have Daniel as our first pro. Thanks Fos’ – Heroin Skateboards

“大家快看我和Shimizu的海报,看!我们有多开心,因为现在Shimizu已经正式成为Heroin一员了!其实Shimizu已经用Heroin的板面将近有1个月时间之多。可能大家都没注意到这点。我们的这个公告发布的有些晚了,因为我总挤不出时间,一直在玩滑板,忙着画画,做设计,当然还有忙着享受美食(汉堡)哈哈,我一直处在这样的生活状态之中,我很喜欢。“我本来以为Shimizu的巅峰期已经过去式了,但是当我看过他在Skateboard杂志的专访,以及前不久他在Nike SB  Chronicles Vol.1里的片段之后,我惊了,原来他依然非常厉害!之后便是他主动联系我希望加入Heroin,我非常高兴的答应了”

————————FOS (Heroin Skateboards创始人/设计师 ,Altamont服饰艺术总监)


Post By: Mr.Robot @ 五 15, 2012
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