Stephen Khou 加入adidas (中国)滑板Team

帽饰品牌Helas创立人之一的Stephen在最近加入了adidas skate 中国flow Team,对于那些还不太熟悉Stephen本人的朋友不妨通过我们对他的简单采访稍稍了解一下!


Stephen ,能简单的做个自我介绍吗?

我今年25岁,来自法国南部城市图卢斯(Toulouse),站姿Regular (左脚在前),我已经在上海住了1年多,也许我还会在这里呆上一段时间,之所以留在这里是因为我喜欢这座城市,这里文化氛围不错,朋友也不错,食物更不用说了…

你在最近正式加入了adidas (中国)滑板Team,能告诉我们其中的原因吗?接下来adidas  中国 team会有什么video项目或是tour计划吗?

没错!我已经成为adidas 中国Team的 flow滑手,这是因为Jeff 和Tim一直希望我加入。至于tour的计划,应该会有的,但我现在不确定何时会启动,也不确定tour的具体目的地

Lucas Puig,Clement和你一起在去年创立了Helas这个品牌,我想知道你们三个人在生意上具体又是怎么分工的,你们的工作关系配合的怎么样?

我们之间的工作关系配合的相当顺利。我们经常利用Skyape和iphone进行工作上的沟通,因为公司规模还处于雏形阶段,我们每个人需要充当多面手。由于我在中国,我会负责产品外包生产这块,身在欧洲的Lucas Puig和Clement则负责产品分销以及其他方面的业务。












Demi Portion : On m’a dit
Nina Simone : Baltimore
Dave Brubeck : Take Five
Oxmo Puccino : Sans Abris
Al’ Tarba : Grey Town
Souls of Mischief – 93 til infinity
Ray Charles : Georgia on my mind
Hank Mobley : Smokin’
Notrious BIG : Niggas Bleed
Big L : Casualties of a dice game


English Version


Stephen ,could you introduce yourself for a bit?( Who r u? where u from? age? regular or Goofy?  What do u do here in SH? And how long will you stay here? Do you like Shanghai?)

I am 25, from South of France (Toulouse), Regular. I have been living in SH for more than a year and I will probably stay for a while because its a dope city !! Good culture, sick people, food…

You are officially on adidas China skate flow Team right now, could you tell us  how did it happen? any video projects or tour plan in the future for adidas  China Team?

Yes I skate for the flow team because Jeff and Tim asked me and I was on. It should be some tour with Adidas but I am not sure when or where exactly it will happen.

Lucas Puig, Clément and you co-founded  the headwear brand Helas  back in  last year, What roles do you each of you guys play individually  in the business  side?What’s your working relationship like?

Our working relationship is really good, we try to catch up as often as possible on Skype or Iphone. As the company still really small we kind of all doing everything. As I am in China, I do the sourcing and they do the distribution and others things in Europe.

why  you guys choose the headwear segment instead of apparel line?are there any  business challenge yet ? anything you could  share with those who  want start their own  business ?

We choose headwear because we have been wearing hats for a really long time and we thought why not starting our own brand, so we went for it !! For people who want start their company, they should do it for sure and work hard to make it happen.

Tell us where the name helas came from?

Helas means Unfortunately, and we really liked it because its a kind of expression instead of a word.

Helas got a lot of attention when you guys started flowing and sponsoring some of the best skaters  around the world  , what’s been the overall feedback been like?

We got lot of support and the brand has been doing well since we started but for sure we are always looking to do better.

You lived in London for almost 4 years before you move to here, could you tell us how’s the skateboarding scene out there ,compare it to shanghai, a any major differnece ? which city is the best when it comes to skateboarding,and living?

The scene in London is sick, same in Shanghai,  but the spots and amount of skaters are quite different. Here its all super smooth and perfect ledges. London is more rough, you need to look for spots and you get kicked out more often ;

What are some of your favorite shops, cities? What tunes are you  listening to right now?  (10 songs)

Of course I love France, London, Shanghai but everywhere I have been I enjoyed it ( Barcelona, Prague, Amsterdam…)

Demi Portion : On m’a dit
Nina Simone : Baltimore
Dave Brubeck : Take Five
Oxmo Puccino : Sans Abris
Al’ Tarba : Grey Town
Souls of Mischief – 93 til infinity
Ray Charles : Georgia on my mind
Hank Mobley : Smokin’
Notrious BIG : Niggas Bleed
Big L : Casualties of a dice game

Thanks alot , Stephen

Post By: Mr.Robot @ 四 05, 2012
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