Dickies Skate Team 2012 最新宣传片

Dickies Skate Team 2012 最新宣传片

事实上早在去年8月末,工装品牌Dickies就已经悄悄地进入滑板市场,组建了自己的滑板Team,滑手包括 Tom Grom, Kevin Terps 以及 Vincent Alvarez. 现在他们高调宣布Jim Greco(Bakerboys Distribution创始人之一)正式加入。



也许是因为美国国内市场的不景气(其品牌代理零售商的逐个破产倒闭,例如Sears 和 K Mart),Dickies市场部门也逐步意识到在他们的客户群中,滑板人其实占了很大的一个比例。创建一个专门针对滑板市场的滑板项目;与滑板店铺开展业务合作(一条原零售价为25美元的Dickies裤子相比于滑板店铺内的同类其他选择而言,还是相当有竞争力的),只有通过这些动作,Dickies才能直面滑板市场。

Dickies永远都是滑板人的不二选择,即使是那些早已得到滑板服饰赞助的职业滑手们也会莫名其妙的继续购买,Dickies和滑板人的情缘并非一日两日,对于他们今天的选择(给予滑手职业赞助)我们由衷的表示高兴。Levi’s (牛仔服饰),Ben Davis(工装品牌), 以及Hanes(内衣服饰品牌,例如大白Tee),现在就看你们的了!


Dickies officially entered the skate game a bit ago with a team of raw rippers like Tom Grom, K Terps and Vincent Alvarez. Now they announce Jim Greco’s addition to the squad with this video where he’s the anchor and explains why the pants are so appropriate for skateboarding.

It comes as no surprise that a brand like Dickies would want to enter our little realm, but it’s odd that they’d choose to do it now instead of say…ever before?

Perhaps they’re taking a cue from brands like Carhartt that have full teams and have been putting on contests and other miscellaneous events throughout Europe for the past ten years or so and are now finally spilling over into The States (IE 5Boro x Carhartt collab).

Or maybe with American Retailers such as Sears and K Mart tanking into bankruptcy and closing up shop around the country, Dickies saw that we’re a big part of their target market and they could get to us directly by putting together a skate program and having the product in actual skate shops where a pair of $25 pants at full price seems a lot softer on the wallet than some alternatives.

Skateboarders are going to wear Dickies no matter what. Guys with clothing sponsors still buy them for shit’s sake. We have been wearing their product for a long time now, so it’s nice to see them finally hooking up some of our guys and getting them on the pay roll. Levi’s, Ben Davis, and Hanes White Ts, the ball is in your court now.



Post By: Mr.Robot @ 三 21, 2012
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