04期FLYDAY 1992年PlanB滑板电影《Questionable》
04期FLYDAY我们为大家带来的是PlanB在1992年完成队伍组建之后推出的首部滑板电影《Questionable》。这部开山之作不仅让大家认识了PlanB,也给当时作为PlanB的分销商World Industry吃了一颗定心丸。当时的PlanB的队伍可谓是群星云集:Mike Carroll,Rick Howard,Pat Duffy,Colin Mckay等等,当然刚刚被PlanB创始人Mike Ternasky说服从Freestyle滑板转为街式滑板的Rodney Mullen也在片中表现不俗。
地点:FLYstreetwear国内各城市店(@Fly上海 - @FLY北京 - @FLY郑州 -@FLY成都)
Classics:Danny Way 《Questionable》片段回顾:
导演:Mike Ternasky
参与滑手:Colin Mckay,Danny Way,Matt Hensley,Mike Carroll,Pat Duffy,Rick Howard,Rodney Mullen,Ryan Fabry,Sal Barbier,Sean Sheffey
Matt Hensley : The Jam —-“ News Of The World”
Patt Duffy #1 : This Martal Coil —-“ Andialu”
Pat Duffy #2 :Primus —-“ Tommy The Cat”
Pat Duffy #3: The Doors —-“Riders On The Storm Colin”
McKay #1 : Naughty by Nature —-“ O.P.P. (live) ”
Colin McKay #2:Iron Maiden —-“ Aces High”
Ryan Fabry: Bad Brains —- “Don’t Blow Bubbles”
mini-ramp :Olivelawn —-“College Volume Pedal”
Sean Sheffey :Del Tha Funkee Homosapien —-“Ahonetwo, Ahonetwo”
Sal Barbier: Fu-Schnickens —- “La Schmoove ”
Rodney Mullen #1: Louis Armstrong —-“ What a Wonderful World”
Rodney Mullen #2 : Cat Stevens —-“ If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out ”
contests & demos #1:Green Day —-“Disappearing Boy ”
contests & demos #2: Pennywise —-“No Reason Why ”
Mike Carroll #1 : Beastie Boys —- “The Biz vs. The Nuge”
Mike Carroll #2 :Beastie Boys —-“ Time For Livin’ ”
Mike Carroll #3:Del Tha Funkee Homosapien —- “Burnt”
Mike Carroll #4:Beastie Boys —-“ Stand Together ”
Rick Howard: Ned’s Atomic Dustbin —-“Grey Cell Green”
slams: Pennywise —-“ Fun And Games”
Danny Way #1: Big Drill Car —-“ Take Away”
Danny Way #2: Bad Religion —-“ Heaven is Falling”
Danny Way #3 : Pennywise —-“ Living For Today ”
credits:Dead Can Dance —- “Saltarello”
“This video sets the bar and paves the way for the next three Plan B videos.For the Plan B addicted,it is definitly a must watch.”(这部电影可以说为Plan B接下来的三部影片奠定了基调并设下了标杆。对于Plan B迷来说,这部电影是必看之作)
————————Editor Of Wiskate.com
“This Video is the Blood of Mr.Ternasky.”(这部Video是Mr.Ternasky的心血之作。)
————————Chris Livingston(Sublimited.Net:Skate industry Editor)