Sean Malto正式加入Nike SB

年仅22岁的Sean Malto正式加入Nike SB,告别 Etnies


赞助商: Girl,Nike SB, Spitfire, Escapist, Thunder, Diamond, Fourstar, Gatorade
家乡: Lansing KS
站姿:Regular (左脚在前)
级别: Pro
新年来临之际,Nike正式宣布欢迎Sean Malto加入旗下滑板Team
2011年对于这位来自密苏里州堪萨斯城年仅22岁的滑手来说可谓是特殊的一年,因为在这一年里他夺得了Street League大赛总冠军.

在20岁的时候,Sean就已经在高手如林的Girl Team中得到属于自己的Pro位置,在当选Pro的第一年,Sean Malto获得了TWS颁发的最佳新人称号,在接下来的一年,Sean还获得了TWS颁布的由读者们选择的当年最佳Pro奖项。


当被问及是什么原因让他做出加入Nike SB的决定,Sean说到:一直以来Eric Koston 和Paul Rodriguez就是我的偶像,能在同一支 team滑板,真是妙不可言,除此之外,由Nike赞助的运动员一直在各项体育运动赛事中的扮演着佼佼者的角色,无论是在过去还是现在,无数伟大的运动员都有与之合作,” 这些人里有包括我最喜欢的篮球明星Michael Jordan,Kevin Durant,能与Nike这样的公司联系在一起,我觉得这是一件非常值得骄傲的事.联手Nike,我们一定可以做更多NB的,有利于滑板发展的事。


Sean目前正在忙着拍摄Girl 和Chocolate的新video,接下来还会参与到SB Chronicles续集的拍摄中.


As 2012 kicks off, Nike Skateboarding proudly celebrates the introduction of Sean Malto as the newest member of our team!

The 22-year-old resident of Kansas City, MO joins us after a banner year, culminating in his overall 1st place title in the 2011 Street League series.

Sean turned pro at the age of 20, backed by highly-esteemed GIRL Skateboard Co. He was crowned Rookie of the Year by Transworld skateboarding magazine his first year as a pro, as well as being voted the Reader’s Choice for best pro by Transworld readers the next year.

When asked about his decision to join Nike SB, Malto had this to say: “I’ve always been a fan of Eric Koston and Paul Rodriguez. Being on the same team as them is truly amazing. Plus, Nike has always been the leading brand in sports, with the most incredible athletes past and present—including my favorites Michael Jordan and Kevin Durant. It’s just an honor to be associated with a company like Nike. I feel like we can do awesome things in and for skateboarding!”

Sean is currently hard at work on the new Girl and Chocolate film and will begin filming for a future volume of The SB Chronicles following its completion. Stay tuned tofacebook.com/nikeskateboarding and nikeskateboarding.com for more news from Malto and NIKE SB.

source: http://www.nikeskateboarding.com

Post By: Jeff @ 一 01, 2012
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