Benny Gold 访谈@ Hypebeast.com

潮流资讯网站Hypebeast对来自美国San Francisco地区的streetwear独立品牌创始人Benny Gold进行了一轮


Benny Gold是一位来自San Francisco的独立平面设计师 ,拥有自己的同名服饰品牌Benny Gold, 很难想象这一切的起点仅仅是从当初的一枚由自己设计的小小贴纸引发而来。贴纸设计灵感原自经典“Stay Gold”,意指积淀在每一个人内心深处的阅历和理想恰恰是我们拥有最宝贵的财富,这些意识是我们区别自我的标签,决定了我们到底是谁,它让我们永远充满动力。

I’m in the process of… expanding our retail operation to a larger location in the mission district of SF. The current store was never meant to be a retail space. It was originally rented as an office and shipping area for our wholesale accounts. I was working on putting together a pop-up store for a new season and decided since I have the space I might as well keep it open all the time. Since then I have grown to really love the retail aspect of the business. Having a physical space has been amazing and allowed me to connect with the customers and supporters! See you April 30 at our Store Grand Opening on 16th Street!


As a kid growing up… in South Florida I used to dream about skating EMB and the rest of the famous skate spots in SF. When I graduated High School I was packing up to move to SF just to skate. My mom found out and kicked my ass… literally. She forced me to go to college and study art and design. I am really glad she did! Thanks mom!

我出生在南部的Florida州,在小时候我就梦想有一天能有机会去San Fancisco地区的EMB以及很多著名滑板spot亲自滑一滑。当我高中毕业时,我选择了背包行,目标San Fancisco,只为滑板。事后,妈妈发现了这一切,我被狠狠的教训了一顿,受了点皮肉之苦。她强迫我去读大学,学习艺术和设计。现在回想起来我觉得妈妈在当时的做法是对的,我太幸运了,谢谢你,妈妈!

San Francisco is… one of those cities that you don’t have to grow up in. Its not too hard of a hustle like NY, but still a big enough city. People move here because they love it and not because they are trying to “make it”. It keeps a young-at-heart attitude to the city and for that I will always love it!

San Francisco是一座适合任何人居住的城市,没有纽约的快节奏,但是在地理上又足够大。很多人定居这里,是因为



Being a vegetarian in The Mission… (HA! Someone has given you guys too much info on me) I was raised a vegetarian. My parents are hippies and I never ate meat my entire life. As time went on I cut out other things in my diet to stay healthy. I plan on being able to skateboard as long as I possibly can and if eating healthy helps then I am all in! The mission is easy to eat well in. It’s a younger neighborhood and with that comes a lot of veggie options. SF in general is actually really vegetarian-friendly compared to growing up on the east coast.

我是一位素食主义者(哈哈,你们知道的太多了),我的父母深受嬉皮文化影响,他们本身也是信奉素食主义。我这一辈子也没吃过肉,随着年龄的增长,我越来越注意饮食的健康与否,我的饮食结构也变得越来越健康合理了。我计划着能尽可能的坚持滑板,直到有一天我没有了这个能力,所以如果饮食能帮助我延长板龄,我愿意为此改变。Mission区是一个年轻的地带,这里你能有很多很好的素食餐厅选择。相比于东岸地区的城市,San Francisco真的是一座对素食主义者很包容的城市。

I will be forever grateful… for the opportunities I have had with HUF. I was there at the beginning and really proud of the work that we did together. I am really happy to see how they have grown over the past few years. Get em’ Keith!

能和HUF一起合作,这是我一辈子都会记住的快乐回忆。我是HUF团队早期的成员之一,我为我们当初的合作感到自豪。我为HUF在最近几年的发展感到由衷的高兴,加油Keith Huf

Life is about… balancing. Its not easy but it’s definitely rewarding. I love having a family and solid career in the arts. The secret to balancing life and work is cutting out the stuff that doesn’t matter to make time for the things that do. You can do both if you want it!




Being a father… has really has changed my life. My Daughter was born just a few months ago, she is amazing. I want to be there for her and make sure that she has the opportunities to do whatever she wants to do.

身为一个父亲,这个角色让我的生活改变了很多。几个月前,我的女儿Rumi 刚刚出生,我对她的疼爱没法形容。我


Connecting with my customers… is honestly the best part about having a physical retail store. I’m not really that much of a bigger brand then I was before I opened the stores, but the brand is definitely more solid now. That is all due to personal connection with the customers. Its really nice to see who is supporting it and to get peoples feedback on how to make it better. I want to make it the best it possibly can be. Thank you to everyone who has supported it! It really means a lot!


Evolving the Benny Gold line… is something I do everyday to keep the line moving forward. I have started to take on less design work outside of the Benny Gold brand to focus on it. I still do very select logo projects for clients but for the most part I am focused on growing my personal line.

至于Benny Gold服饰线的发展壮大………….这是我每天都在做的…………..我希望它能向前发展。我必须减少平

时除Benny Gold产品设计以外的一些其他公司工作,我需要集中更多的精力在Benny Gold品牌上。我仍然在


的Benny Gold产品线上。

If streetwear were to disappear, I’d like to be remembered… for putting out the best design work that I possibly can. I love being able to do that through “streetwear” or whatever it is called.


source: hypebeast



Post By: Mr.Robot @ 四 21, 2011
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