Vans Night @Woodward Beijing3&@TopToys2


冬去春来,VANS Night这次将在北京和上海两地同时举行,滑手和BMX骑手们可在本月19日大展身手啦!

3月19日晚上6点,在西单大悦城,VANS将会有3辆大巴载着大家去北京Woodward。免费班车的名额为150名,先来先得~还不赶快来注册预约! www.vansblog.com.cn/vansnight/如果预约已满,我们依然十分欢迎你的到来,不过你只能自己去Woodward了,或者你也可以等到下次VANS Night再来参与。

Attention Beijing participants. For Beijing, Vans will have 3 busses at Joy City Xi Dan@ 18:00 Mar.19 ready to take you to Woodward Beijing.  There is room for 150 people and it is first come first serve, so register on-line below to reserve a seat. www.vansblog.com.cn/vansnight/

If registration is full you are still welcome to come to Woodward, but will have to find your own way over. Or you can wait until the next Vans Night to try again

Post By: Vince @ 三 13, 2011
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