Skatehere独家:New Balance Numeric队伍 Flo Mirtain & Dan Leung 近况采访




一位是在New Balance Numeric 新片 Tricolor 中与 PJ Ladd 并肩拍摄,大放异彩的欧洲队员 Flo Mirtain , 一位是我们熟悉的New Balance Numeric 亚太区队员 Dan Leung。他们在为 New Balance Numeric 2018 年的新片旅行拍摄,旅行目的地包括日本,法国,中国上海和巴西。Skatehere 在他们到上海旅行的间隙,同 Flo 聊了聊Tricolor 的拍摄和近两年赞助更换的事情;同 Dan Leung 聊了聊他移居香港之后的发展情况。


 Flo Mirtain采访


1, 你的 Bon Boyage 片段中有很多在中国拍摄的动作,你第一次来这里是什么时候?谁邀请你过来的?你最喜欢在哪个城市或地形滑板呢?

FLO: 2013年初我第一次来中国,那是 Cliché 带我来的,他们当时为了拍视频,来了两次中国,第二次旅行的时候我也过来了,我们当时在深圳和广州滑板。我很喜欢在广州滑板,整个城市有很多地形,我都不知道该滑哪个了。


Your Bon Voyage part had a lot of China footage in it, when was the first time you came out here, who hit you up to come, and which cities/spots do you like skating the most?

FLO: I came in China for the first time early 2013, Cliché hit me up to go there, they did 2 trips for the video so I went on the second one, we skated in Shenzhen and Guangzhou. I really liked skating in Guangzhou, the all city has so much spot, I can not choose one.



2,  你在2013年 Bon Voyage 出来的时候成为了 Cliché 的职业滑手,可以聊一聊那个时候的队伍动态吗,还有 Cliché 解散之前发生了什么?

FLO:我从2007年开始为 Cliché 效力,那个时候它仍然有着纯正的欧洲“血统”,办公室和营销部都在法国里昂。当我在2013年转成职业滑手的时候,Cliché 隶属于 dwindle,拍摄制作 Bon Voyage 的过程也非常好,我们在全世界做了很多旅行,但是我们(欧洲滑手)开始感觉 Cliché  跟以前有点不一样了(图形,队伍和形象方面)。最后,我们甚至都觉得队伍里的美国滑手和欧洲滑手都有很大的隔阂了:我们也不再在一起做旅行之类的事了。Cliché 的事情让人很心痛,不过也可能是时候到了。


You turned Pro for Cliché back in 2013 when Bon Voyage came out, could you tell us about how the whole team dynamic was around that time, and what happened to the company towards the end?

FLO: I started skating for Cliché in 2007, and at that time it was still really euro vibes, the office and distribution was still in Lyon, France. When I turned pro in 2013, Cliché was owned by dwindle, filming for Bon Voyage was really good, we did a lot of trip all over the world, but we ( euro guys) start to feel like it was a little bit different than before ( graphics, team, image…) and by the end i felt like there were almost like a gap between europe and the us. We were not doing trip together anymore or this kind of stuff. What happened to Cliché is a bummer, but maybe it was time to move on something else.



 3, 你是怎么加入 Habitat 队伍的,队伍动态都怎么样,你们经常会到美国拍摄吗?

FLO:他们(habitat)在年初的时候开始寄给我板面。NB# 队友 Marius Syvanen 找到了我,他帮我问TM(Brennan)我是否能拿一些板面,TM 当即同意了!我很兴奋,而且我小时候也 Habitat 的忠实粉。我一直想加入到一个我熟悉的公司,这对我来说很重要。也因为认识 Suciu ,  Delatorre 和 Marius ,我就觉得加入 Habitat 行得通。我跟他们一起拍摄了一个小片段,不久就会出来了,我们就等等看之后会发生什么吧!


How did you get on Habitat and how has the team dynamic been with the guys there, do you make a lot of trips out to the states?

FLO: They (habitat) started to send me boards at the beginning of the years. Marius Syvanen who also skate for NB# hook me up with that. He asked the TM (Brennan) I could have some boards and he was down! I was stoked, I am a big fan of the compagnie since I am a little kid. I wanted to be part of something where I know the people, its the most important for me. And because I know like Suciu, Delatorre or Marius I throught it could works. I filmed a little part for them that should come out soon, we will see after that what happen!






4, 除了队伍里的人,圈内还有谁的片段或者视频是会让你感到异常兴奋?

FLO:sour 队伍的那群滑手让我很兴奋,Gustav Tonnensen, EJP 还有 Nisse 都有着给力的动作和风格,也很有趣。还有那些我从小到大一直关注的,像 JB Gillet 或 Lucas Puig ,我喜欢任何健康发展的事情。


Apart from the guys on your team, who in the scene right now produces footage or video parts that get you really hyped?

FLO: I am super hyped on the Sour guys. Gustav Tonnensen, EJP or Nisse are a perfect mix between like gnarly tricks, style, and fun. I am still hyped on people I grew up watching too, like JB gillet or Lucas Puig. I kind of lile everything if its done the right way.


5, 最后你是怎么加入 New Balance 的,多久的事了?

FLO:我从2016年开始为 NB 滑板,是 Tom Knox 找到我的。我猜他们是想找一些滑手加到队伍中,Tom 就把我介绍给他们了。在那之前我是为 DVS 滑的,那边一直在走下坡路,所以他们找到我的时候我非常兴奋!2015年年底我跟Seb (NB#的品牌经理)在纽约见了面,我们谈了很多,这对我来说是个很大的机会,所以这也不是一个困难的决定。


How did you end up joining New Balance, how long has it been?

FLO: I skate for NB since 2016. Tom Knox hook me up for that. I guess they wanted to add some skaters to the team, so Tom talk about me to them. Before that I used to skate for Dvs, things were kind of going down over there, so I was really stoked that they asked me to skate for them! I met Seb (the nb# brand manager) in NYC at the end of 2015, we talked about all of that, it was a huge opportunity for me so it was not really a hard decision.



6, 你的 Tri-Color 片段非常棒,你知道你会和 Franky 还有 PJ 一起出这个片段吗?这会给你压力吗?拍片段的过程是怎么样的呢?有什么苛刻的交片期限吗?大部分动作来自单独拍摄任务还是旅行?

FLO:谢谢你。我觉得这件事情发生的也很自然。我知道 PJ 当时在拍摄一个片段,我们当时都要拍摄一个整个队伍的蒙太奇片段,放在 PJ 个人片段前面,我是这么以为的。NB# 在洛杉矶租一个三个月的房子,每个人都能过去并住下。我和  Franky 在那里整整呆了三个月,所以结束的时候我们的动作足够凑成完整的个人片段了。刚开始我们并没有真正想去拍一个片段的,不过我想说和 PJ 在同一部片子中出现对我来说是件了不起的事。换做10年前的我根本就不敢相信。拍摄初期还是很惬意的,后来就有些紧张了。特别是在洛杉矶,总是被从地形赶走,大多数地形的动作都快被做尽了,都没什么新动作可做,有时在那里拍摄真的很难。


Your Tri-Color part was amazing, did you know you would have a part along with Franky and PJ? Did that give you a bit more pressure? What was the filming process of that part like? Were there harsh deadlines? Was a lot of the footage on solo missions or part of tours?

FLO:Thanks mate. I think it kind of came like that naturally. I know PJ was filming for a part, and we were supposed to film for a team montage that would go before his part i guess. NB# rent a house for 3 month in LA and everybody could come and stay. Me and Franky end up staying the all 3 month so by the end we end up having enough footage to have a part. We didn’t really try to film a part at first, but I have to say that having a part in the same video than PJ is king of a big deal for me! If you would tell me that 10 years ago I would not believe it. The beginning was super mellow, only by the end it started to be a little bit stressful. Specially in LA, you get kicked out a lot, all the tricks has been done, its sometimes hard to film over there.




FLO:在家乡里昂的拍摄对我来说很容易,因为我知道要去哪里滑,我也知道什么时候我们能滑,我要做什么招,虽然少了一点那种走到哪滑到哪的自然感觉,但是和其他相比的话,我更喜欢这种感觉。如果我没做出某个动作也不会有太大的压力,我可以随时回来继续尝试。但如果是在旅行中,你知道你可能永远也不会回去尝试没做成的动作了,所以说旅行更有压力。所以,如果我是在拍个人片段,我更喜欢在家乡拍摄。但如果我们是朋友们一起拍摄视频,我们很可能会和Josimard Crew一起玩,发生什么就拍什么,没什么计划。两种方式我都很喜欢,具体要看情况。


How about your own creative filming process? You’ve released a number of Grade A parts in your career, do you go out wanting to film a part and know the tricks you want to land? Or is it a session with the homies and there’s a filmer who happens to capture it.

FLO: The filming process back home, in Lyon, is way easier for me, cause I know the spot I want to skate, I know when we can skate it, what tricks to do, its little bit less spontaneous i guess, but i like it better. Less pressure if I don’t do the tricks, I can come back whenever I want. On trip you know you re maybe never gonna come back so its kind of stressing. I am like that if i am filming for a solo part back home. But if we are filming for a homie video, we probably just gonna skate with the Josimard Crew, and if something happen we will film it, but nothing planned really. I like both ways, depends on the situation.






8, New Balance Numeric 的产品线有着广泛的鞋型,从最简单,最经典的254鞋款到拥有非常多 技术设计元素的868携款。你最喜欢哪个一个?为什么?

FLO:我一直都喜欢滑瘦一点的鞋子,所以我穿212滑得最多。不过说实话,所有的款我都喜欢。PJ 的535非常适合跳台阶,我喜欢505经典的形状,还有 212带给我的板感。


he New Balance Numeric product line has a really wide range of shoes, with the 254 as a more classic and simple design to the 868 which boasts a lot of technical design elements. Which one do you like the most and why?

FLO: I always like skating thinner shoes, so the 212’s are the ones I skate the most. But I like all the model to be honest, the PJ’s 533 are really good to jump down stairs, I like the classic shape of the 505, the feeling of your boards with the 212…



9, 你下一步打算干什么?有什么视频部分吗?旅行、比赛或是个人目标?

FLO:我刚完成 Habitat 的片段,我现在在中国参加 NB 的旅行,接下来还是老样子吧,尽可能多地参加些旅行,滑一些新的地形。还没有什么具体计划,边走边看吧。


What’s next for you? Any video parts, tours, contests or personal goals coming up you’re focused on?

FLO: I just finished that Habitat edit, now I am here in China for that nb trip, I guess I am just gonna try to do the same. Going on trips as often as I can go, skating new spots. Nothing really planed yet, I will see what’s next!






Dan Leung 采访


1, DAN,好久不见,上次见面是在一年前了吧,那次是你加入 New Balance Numeric 。后来你离开上海去了香港,之后你做了很多旅行和拍摄,甚至还结了婚。那么你觉得哪些是过去一年里最棒的事情?

Dan Leung:  对的,确实有很多的改变吧。一切都很棒,为了这个项目第一次去欧洲就很棒,还有第一次到葡萄牙滑板,当然最棒的就是结婚啦。


Dan, long time no see buddy, the last time we interviewed you was literally about a year ago, when you first entered the New Balance Numeric roster. A lot has changed since, you moved out of Shanghai, been on a bunch of tours and filming missions and even got married. What were some of the highlights from this past year?

Dan Leung:  Ya! Lots of changes recently. All is good though, Our first trip to Europe for this project was a good one! Got to skate Portugal for the first time. Getting married was a highlight for sure!


2, 是什么让你想离开内地搬到香港去,和内地相比那边的氛围怎么样?

Dan Leung:有各种各样的原因吧,那边的圈子小一点,但是板场里也有很多小孩子在滑。


What made you want to leave Shanghai to move to Hong Kong? How is the skate scene there compared to China?

Dan Leung: All types of reasons, the skate scene is smaller but still a good amount of kids at the skate parks.


3,  你觉得结婚以后最好的事情是什么,最坏的事情又是什么?

Dan Leung: 说实话和以前没什么不同吧。


What is the best thing about being married and the worst thing about being married?

Dan Leung: No difference to be honest haha. Not for us anyway.


4, 最近Avenue and Son怎么样?你离开上海后还在那儿吗?有没有什么大计划,视频之类的,有没有什么即将发布的?

Dan Leung: A&S 近来很好,我们关掉了奉贤路的店,重新把注意力放在了线上商店。我现在还是在那边的,我们即将发布一批新的衣服。


How has Avenue and Son been? Are you still involved even after moving out of Shanghai? Any big plans, videos, or releases coming out soon?

Dan Leung: A&S is doing good! We got rid of the Fengxian Lu location and back to focusing on our online store. Im still just as involved as i was before i left. We about to release a new collection of clothing and more to come soon after.






5, 你还和Victoria的香港滑手拍了些东西,并且已经放出了两个片段。和他们一起拍摄是怎么样的?你们出去前知道要去哪个地方滑,做什么动作吗,还是比较随性?

Dan Leung: 是的,那些就是平时和我一起滑板的人,什么情况下,他们都在拍,这非常酷。通常我们都换选一个地方然后滑上一天,做成什么就拍什么。


You’ve also been filming a bit with the local HK scene guys at Victoria and came out with two montages already. How are the sessions like with them? Do you guys go out knowing which spots you want to hit up and what you want to land or is it a free for all?

Dan Leung: Ya thats mainly who i skate with out here. Its dope cus they are always filming no matter what. Most the time we pick an area to just cruise around  for the day. Whatever happens, happens.


6, 内地和香港还有其他New Balance Numeric的赞助滑手吗?你经常和他们一起滑板吗?

Dan Leung: 内地有小西瓜和 Jacky,然后香港有 NB 的 flow 滑手 Ngau (Ivan),他也是852的滑手。


Who else in China/HK does New Balance Numeric sponsor? Do you skate with those guys a lot?

Dan Leung: There is Watermelon and Jacky in china and then some flow riders in HK like A Ngau (Ivan) who also works and rides for 852.


 7,  你最近拍摄多吗?能期待你的新片子发布吗?你最近还在忙什么项目吗?

Dan Leung: 我一直在拍摄。大部分都是为NB在2018年初的项目拍摄。当我遇到 Steph 时,或是有 VX 的场合,我会为 Hélas 那边拍摄。


Have you been filming a bunch? Can we expect a part to drop soon? What other projects have you been working on?

Dan Leung: I have been filming here and there. Mostly for this NB project which should drop early 2018. Then Hélas whenever i see Steph or someone has a VX.


8, 这次你和 Ant 还有 Flo 到各个 spots 滑板,这是一次有拍摄任务的旅行吗?你有觉得要拍什么好的片段而感到压力吗?

Dan Leung: 当然,这个项目让我倍感压力。Karl 和 Pedro 都太棒了!你知道的,这也是一场精神磨练。所以还不错。


This time around you’re hitting up spots with Ant and Flo, is it more of a mission based trip? Do you feel any pressure of having to come out with some fire SHIT?!

Dan Leung: Ya def. feel more pressure for this project. Karl and Pedro are amazing skaters!!! You know how it is, its a mental game too. Its been good though.






 9,  我记得你之前说过会发布一些自己做的节奏混剪,你最近有买黑胶唱片吗?在你制作音乐的时候,有没有什么创造性的过场“仪式”?

Dan Leung: 我最近在和 Betwean 还有 Pete Chen 做一个项目,应该会很酷。每次我回上海都会置办很多唱片带回去。没什么过场仪式,我就是随着性子。有什么能让我觉得酷的话,我就一直做下去。


I know you’ve been saying you’re going to release a mixtape of beats you’ve made, have you bought any vinyl recently? What’s the creative process ritual for you when it comes to the start and end of making a beat?

Dan Leung: Ya im working on a project with Betwean and Pete Chen, should be really cool. Everytime i come back to Shanghai i stock up on records to bring back. No ritual.. i just fuck around. If i make something im feeling ill keep working on it.


10,  你在 New Balance 要发布新的片段了吗?你拍摄了多久了?什么时候发布?大多都是在哪里拍的呢,我们能看到你自己做的音乐也放进片段里吗?

Dan Leung: 我不会称它是一个片段,不过我们三个都会有一些动作。不,我不喜欢自己的片段用自己的音乐。


Are you coming out with a part soon for New Balance? How long have you been filming for? When will it drop? Where has it mainly been filmed and can we expect your self-produced music featured in your own part?

Dan Leung: I wouldnt call it a “part” but all three of us will have footage for sure. Nahhh i dont really like using my own stuff on for my parts.




photo by:@klei_ber


Post By: wolfhowl @ 十一 20, 2017
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