Maloof Money Cup NYC 2010 Finals 决赛成绩与视频

Maloof Money Cup NYC在美国时间6日下午,经过12名滑手的最终角逐,Chris Cole再一次的蝉联了冠军,夺走了10万美元的奖金,P Rod则是从预赛的第三升到了第二名,Torey Pudwill获得了第三名,Salabanzi依然排在第四位。

Maloof Money Cup NYC 2010 最终决赛成绩:

1. Chris Cole ($100,000)
2. Paul Rodriguez ($40,000)
3. Torey Pudwill ($25,000)
4. Bastien Salabanzi
5. Sean Malto
6. Sierra Fellers
7. Ryan Decenzo
8. Peter Ramondetta
9. Greg Lutzka
10. David Gonzalez

David Gonzalez, overcrook revert

著名说唱歌手Lil John也来到现场为Maloof献艺助兴

Peter Ramondetta switch back tail

P-Rod switch back tails

P-Rod switch front blunt

Ryan Decenzo frontside 360 ollie

kickflip frontside lipslide

Peter Ramondetta  kickflip back lip

Greg Lutzka 各种的 noseblunt

Keegan Sauder的boneless to lipslide

Chris Cole blunt to fakie

Chris Cole 360flip

Post By: Vince @ 六 07, 2010
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