adidas Originals发布年度品牌活动与广告大片


‘Original is never finished’ features a multi-generational cast including Snoop Dogg, Dev Hynes, Stormzy, Mabel, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Brandon Ingram, Petra Collins, Gonz and Lucas PuigThe Original campaign inspires a new generation to redefine the meaning of originality, knowing that Original is never finished.


 adidas Originals “原创不息年度广告大片邀请包括

Snoop DoggDev HynesStormzyMabel

Kareem Abdul-JabbarBrandon Ingram

Petra CollinsGonz  Lucas Puig在内的跨世代人物入镜,



Herzogenerauch, 18th January – adidas Originals launches Original with a new film ‘Original is never finished’, featuring visionaries from the worlds of music, skate, sport, style and art. Reaffirming the notion original is never finished, the film features a remix of the iconic song, “My Way” by Frank Sinatra with a provocative, reimagined approach to today’s streetwear culture. With a multi-generational cast including Snoop Dogg, Dev Hynes, Stormzy, Mabel, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Brandon Ingram, Petra Collins, Gonz and Lucas Puig, adidas Originals has re-interpreted its own classics and now turns to a new generation of creators and inspires them to redefine the meaning of originality.

1月18日,德国黑措根奥拉赫—— adidas Originals 发表全新年度广告大片“原创不息”,邀请到来自音乐、滑板、运动、时尚与艺术等不同领域的前瞻者共同出镜。为强调挑战传统、重塑经典的的原创概念,原创不息广告大片采用重新演绎的 Frank Sinatra (弗兰克辛纳屈)经典歌曲“My Way”作为背景音乐,呼应现代的街头文化。包括嘻哈巨星Snoop Dogg、顶尖说唱歌手与音乐制作人Dev HynesStormzyMabelNBA传奇中锋天勾”Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)与强力新秀Brandon Ingram登.英格拉姆)、新生代艺术家暨摄影师Petra Collins、传奇滑手Mark Gonzales和职业滑手Lucas Puig在内的跨时代先锋重新解读adidas Originals 的历史经典,呼吁并启发新世代的创造者们重新定义并挑战“原创”。


“Everything we do for adidas Originals is a work in progress, as true creativity is never finished”, says Alegra O’Hare, VP of Global Communications adidas Originals & Core. “We are constantly challenging ourselves and breaking down the boundaries that limit imagination; we hope to inspire all creators to do the same. We first raised this idea in 2015 through our Superstar work, questioning the very meaning of the word.  We then continued with the notion of the current dystopian future, by motivating consumers to take Future into their own hands and create it.  Now with Original, probably the most important and centric concept to our brand’s ethos, we elevate the trefoil’s storytelling, as we look into what it really means to be original, questioning its very essence.”

“我们为 adidas Originals 所做的一切都是现在进行式,因为真正的创意永不停止,”adidas Originals 的全球品牌传播副总裁 Alegra O’Hare 说。“我们不断挑战自我,不断突破限制想像的各种框架;我们希望能够启发所有的创造者一同前进。我们在2015年着手 Superstar 宣传企划时就萌发了这一想法,我们开始质疑这个词的真正意义。接着我们在2016年加入了反乌托邦的未来概念,鼓励消费者掌握 Future ,创造自己的未来。现在透过Original,这个品牌哲学中最重要的核心概念,我们洞察反思原创的真实意义,勇于提出质疑,让品牌有了更多故事性。”

Conceptualized under the creative direction of Johannes Leonardo, adidas Originals’ global creative agency of record, the ‘Original is never finished’ film explores this idea that if you push something far enough, it becomes original again. This philosophy carries through to the design language of the brand, which through collective memory continues to reinvent their past to create meaning for a new generation. The campaign signals the launch EQT footwear, a celebrated icon from the 1990’s, redefined for a new generation.

由 adidas Originals 全球创意代理公司 Johannes Leonardo 负责创意指导的广告大片“原创不息”探索了一个想法:如果你坚持不懈地挑战某些事物,它终将再一次成为原创。这种探索思维贯穿了adidas Originals的设计 重塑过往的集体回忆,并为新世代赋予意义。这个主题也呼应了 EQT 鞋款的发布:将 90 年代的象征性作品重塑再造,适应新的时代。

“The past empowers the future is a philosophy that the Originals brand stays true to in everything they do. We wanted to bring this to life by exploring the rich creative past of all spheres of creativity, music, art, film and even sport, “ explain Ferdinando Verderi, Wes Phelan and Matt Edwards, Creative Directors at Johannes Leonardo. “‘Original is never finished’ is an open invitation to the new creative community. It’s a call to action to create by using the past as a canvas for new ideas,” they add.

过去赋能未来是adidas Originals时刻遵循的品牌哲学,希望通过全面探索创意、音乐、艺术、电影甚至运动的过往,将概念变为现实,”Johannes Leonardo 创意总监 Ferdinando Verderi、Wes Phelan 及 Matt Edwards 这样解释。“‘原创不息’是一份给予新创意群体的公开邀请函,呼吁着他们将过去作为新想法的空白画布,即刻开始创作。”

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‘Original is never finished’ delivers a visual representation bringing to life the idea, that recreating in your own way will always be entirely original.In the scene “The Birth of Venus”, artist/photographer Petra Collins reinvents a symbolic icon of beauty. Collins’ subversive, striking visual sequence creates a new relevancy for Botticelli’s infamous work of art.  In another scene, rapper and songwriter Snoop Dogg recreates his very own“Doggystyle” album cover with a trippy chase scene, while also making a statement on gender equality in hip hop culture by swapping the roles of his iconic protagonists. From skate legend Gonz alongside French professional skater Lucas Puig in “Lucas & The Gonz”, who both take to the streets in their own way, to the passing of the torch from one legendary basketball icon, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, to one of the future, Brandon Ingram in “Raining Basketballs” or Dev Hynes’ nod to reflections of the past in his choreographed sequence in “Mirrors”, and the brand’s very own iconic product, NMDs, repurposed into masks to create new meaning as seen in “Sneakerheads”, the underlying theme remains the same — Original is never finished.

原创不息以视觉与音乐表现传达了一个概念:以你独有的方式进行重新创作,得到的结果完全都是原创的。在“The Birth of Venus” (維納斯的誕生)场景中,艺术家暨摄影师 Petra Collins 结合Superstar以强烈的视觉颠覆为Botticellis(波提切利)的知名艺术作品重塑了经典的美丽象征。另一个镜头,说唱巨星Snoop Dogg 用迷幻的追逐景象重新诠释了他的“Doggystyle”唱片封面,同时也以代表性的角色变换,为嘻哈文化的性别平权发声。传奇滑手 Gonz 与法国职业滑手 Lucas Puig 在“Lucas & The Gonz”中,则以个人风格滑上街头。伟大的篮球传奇 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 则在“Raining Basketballs”中将火炬传承给代表未来希望的 Bradon Ingram。 Dev Hynes 在“Mirror”片段里则以新的编舞作品向过去致敬,将品牌的前瞻作品 NMD 变成面具,为“Sneakerheads”赋予新的意义。 所有的主题都是相同的 原创不息


The Original campaign launches globally on January 18, 2017.




Film credits, cast, scenes:

Song: Remix of “My Way” by Frank Sinatra by recreated by Human

Snoop Dogg in“Doggystyle”

Stormzy in “Trap Syrup”

Mabel in “Tunnel”

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar & Brandon Ingram in “Raining Basketballs”

Dej Loaf in “Inflated”

Dev Hynes in “Mirrors”

Gonz and Lucas Puig in “Lucas & The Gonz”

Petra Collins in “The Birth of Venus”


“Essential Squad”


-   END –


About adidas Originals

Inspired by the rich sporting heritage of adidas – one of the world’s leading sports brands and a global designer and developer of athletic footwear and apparel ??– adidas Originals is a lifestyle brand founded in 2001. With the adidas archive at its foundation, adidas Originals continues to evolve the brand’s legacy through its commitment to product innovation and its ability to filter the creativity and courage found on courts and sporting arenas through the lens of contemporary youth culture. Marked by the iconic Trefoil logo that was first used in 1972 and championed by those that continue to shape and define creative culture, adidas Originals continues to lead the way as the pioneering sportswear brand for the street.


关于 adidas Originals

由世界前沿品牌之一,集结全球设计师与开发者的运动鞋履与服饰厂牌—— adidas 的丰富运动历史所启发,adidas Originals 是创立于 2001 年的运动时尚品牌。以 adidas 作为根基, adidas Originals 把在赛场上挖掘到的热情与创意投入到当代的青年文化,同时透过创新产品持续推进品牌的传承与历史,将 1972 年首次使用的三叶草图像作为标记,不懈的形塑与定义创意文化,adidas Originals 持续为针对街头的运动品牌开辟蹊径。

Post By: Andy @ 一 19, 2017
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