Skatehere 独家: Vice 滑手映像系列纪录片摄影师 Patrick O’ Dell 专访

最近,你可能已经注意到了Pushfest这个活动,亚洲第一个滑板的电影节将由上海媒体公司Push承办。从他们的工作态度可以保证这个节日的一流品质,更不用说他们专程邀请伯特里克.奥戴尔 来到上海聊聊他的影片背后有趣的故事。近几年大家可能看过的许多滑板纪录片了,但很少有人会知道相机背后的人是谁!让这些看点背后的镜头组合起来并不是一件容易的事儿,还能够直接的感受到纪录片主角的个性是 伯特里克.奥戴尔 在滑板纪录片行业中得到尊重原因。我们在Skatehere能够接触帕特里克,了解他的想法和他的背景摄影,更别说一些疯狂的旅行故事,甚至他对当前的总统大选的看法。下面的采访,你可以从更多的视角了解伯特里克.奥戴尔 你还可以亲子在 Pushfest 12月3日上海跟他打招呼!

Recently, you may have noticed some hype around Pushfest, which is Asia’s first Skateboard Film Festival, hosted by the creative directors at Push. Judging from the work these guys have put out, you can tell that this festival will be top-notch quality, not to mention they’ve invited Patrick O’ Dell from the Vice Epicly Later’d series to come speak at the event in Shanghai on December 3rd. Now, many of you guys may have seen the intricately directed mini documentaries on Vice, but few may actually know who the guy behind the camera is, and how the hell he knows this much skate history; he’s almost the Nardwaur of Skate Nerds, to an extremely tamer degree. To get these A-list pros behind the lens is no easy task, and being able to direct the documentary where the skaters’ personalities come through the lens naturally is the exact reason why Patrick O’ Dell has his own level of respect in the skate industry. We at Skatehere were able to get in touch with Patrick, to pick his brain about his background in Photography, some crazy tour stories, and even his views on the current Presidential election. Check the interview below to get some more perspective of Patrick O’ Dell, and be sure to make it to Pushfest on December 3rd in Shanghai to hear more stories from him and say whatup to him in person!



Photo By: Jeff Fribourg


The Patrick O’ Dell Interview

Skatehere: 嘿Patrick,在国内大多数的观众都知道你是Vice纪录片《滑手映像》的导演,但实际上你还是个摄影师,在旧金山还有纽约拍了那么多Pro的照片,甚至还给Thrasher工作过一段时间。那么怎样才能在滑板圈做好一名摄影师呢?说说你遇到的一些最大的挑战,还有你觉得把滑板摄影当作一项全职是更简单了呢还是更难了?

Patrick: 当我刚开始做的时候我觉得还是有点难度的,因为我们当时用的是胶卷,所以我拍的一些东西在三天内都不知道是否有用,这样的过程比较痛苦,代价也是比较昂贵的。我花了很久的时间才把摄影作为一项生计,况且要找一些比较好的滑手来拍摄通常也不是什么容易的事。但就像所有的事那样,长久的投入总会有回报的。

Skatehere: Hey Patrick, most viewers in China may know you out here as the man behind the lens for the Vice show Epicly Later’d, but you’re quite the photographer too, shooting many Pros out in San Francisco and New York, and working for Thrasher for a while as well. How was it like working in the skate scene as a photographer trying to make it and come up? What were some of the biggest challenges, and do you think it’s easier or harder for skate photographers to make it a full time job?

Patrick: When I was starting out it was a lot harder because we were using film. So I would shoot something and then not know if it was any good for about 3 days. It was agonizing and expensive. It took a long time to make a living from photography, many years. Its often tough getting good skaters to shoot. But like anything, persistence pays off.





Skatehere: 《滑手映像》是如何完全地演变成现在的这一系列纪录片的呢?在你之前的拍摄任务或者旅行的时候你有认识或者接触过这些滑手吗?

Patrick:  当我开始在Vice工作后,他们就有这个想法让我来做这个纪录片,算是水到渠成吧。我开始做的几集也都是我认识的人,像Andrew Reynolds, Kevin Long还有Jerry Hsu,然后就慢慢做起来了。

Skatehere: How did Epicly Later’d fully evolve into the show it is today? Had you known and approached these skaters about this series during your time out with them on filming missions and tour?

Patrick: I started working at Vice and they had the idea for me to do the show. It kind of just fell into my lap. I started out doing episodes on people I knew already, like Andrew Reynolds, Kevin Long and Jerry Hsu and it just grew from there.






Skatehere: 你最喜欢的是哪一次旅行,为什么?有什么旅行的故事讲讲的吗?

Patrick: 有太多好玩的了,多得都数不过来了。我喜欢和我的一些朋友挤在一辆面包车里一起去Tampa Am玩。还有一次我跟着Emerica环游了世界。我也很喜欢Emerica的Wild Rides,那些都是骑摩托车的跨国旅行,我也很想再来个一次。

Skatehere: What was your favorite tour that you were on and why? Any tour stories that happened?

Patrick: There have been a lot that were really fun, too many to list. I liked going to Tampa Am with some of my friends one time in a van. Once I went completely around the world with Emerica. I loved Emerica’s Wild Rides also, those were cross country tours on motorcycles and I would love to do it again.






Skatehere: 我们得到消息说你会来中国的PUSHFEST,你将会是第一次来中国吗?你有了解过这边的滑板圈吗?

Patrick: 实际上,我在香港曾住过一段时间,在1991年到2。。。。。。那边就是我开始滑板的地方,我当时在那里的一所英语学校上学。我还去过一次背景,听说那里现在已经完全不同了,我记得当时那里还没有什么高楼大厦的。

Skatehere: We’ve got news that you’re coming out to China for PUSHFEST, will this be your first time in China? Have you heard any bits and pieces of the skate scene out here?

Patrick: I actually used to live in Hong Kong, in 1991-2… that is where I started skateboarding.  I went to an English speaking school there.  I have been to Beijing once around then too.  I hear its really different now.  I don’t think there were any tall buildings then.
Skatehere: 你在Vice上采访的大多数的人都已经是名人了,那么有哪位比较新的新人是能够吸引你眼球,并且有这个潜力来让你为他做一集滑手映像的呢?

Patrick: 我可能会针对那些很躁的板女新人做一些东西,那一定会很有意思。我觉得年轻的那些新人可能对于大多数的人来说都是老滑手了,就是当你变老了他们看起来还是那么年轻。我依旧觉得Bryan Herman还是个孩子。

Skatehere: Most of the guys you have interviewed on Vice have been cemented into a cult Hall of Fame roster, who do you have your eyes set on that’s relatively new in the scene and think will have potential for a good Epicly Later’d episode?

Patrick: I could see doing some on some of the new girl skaters that are ripping, that would be interesting.  The skaters I think of as young and new are actually veterans to most people, when you get old they all look young.  I still think of Bryan Herman as a kid.

Skatehere: 随着美国大选的结束,看来是时候问你一些关于滑板之外的东西了?你对特朗普当选为总统有什么看法呢?你认为会对美国有什么影响,还有你觉得这会层层往下甚至影响到滑板吗?

Patrick: 我对此还是比较伤心的,这太尴尬了。特朗普可能会让Rudolph Giuliani担任国务卿。特朗普推崇的是Giuliani的盘查政策,而这是完全违反宪法的。这能让警察毫无理由地去搜查任何人,大多数的时候仅仅是因为他们的肤色。所以我觉得美国更会是变成一个治安国家,在街上滑板就更收到挑战了。还有就是随着北美自由贸易协定的废除,可能会让加拿大还有墨西哥的滑板变得更贵。我去过很多的游行来反对特朗普,我尊重民主,但我也重视言论自由,所以我就要说些什么。

Skatehere: With the elections finally over it seems like a good time to ask you something outside of skateboarding. What’s your opinion on Trump getting elected to become President? What kind of implications do you think it will have for America, and do you think it will trickle down and even affect skateboarding?

Patrick: I am so sad about it.  Its embarrassing.  Trump may choose Rudolph Giuliani as Secretary of State.  Trump praised Giuliani’s ‘Stop and Frisk’ policy which was totally unconstitutional… It allowed police to search anyone for no reason, mostly based on their skin color.  So I could see America becoming more of a police state, and skateboarding being challenged more on the streets.  Another thing is the repeal of NAFTA might make skateboards made in Canada and Mexico more expensive.  I have been going to a lot of marches voicing dissent against Trump.  I respect democracy but I also value free speech, so I’m going to say something.

Skatehere: 我觉得中国这边的滑板圈很有意思,这边的滑板圈很年轻,可能都落后了美国20年。很多孩子从来都没听说过Shorty’s或是H-Street,为什么John Cardiel或是Mark Gonzales如此重要甚至被誉为传奇,他们更加没有途径来获得像411 magazine或是VHS全长视频这样的材料来发展一下对滑板最优秀人才的欣赏。不过他们正处在滑板进奥运的时间点上,几乎每天都有Thrasher的视频发布,在滑板界也是有那么多不同的商机。你觉得是保留滑板过去的荣耀更重要还是就这么让其石沉大海从而拥抱未来呢?

Patrick: 我觉得滑手们永远要致敬过去,我会鼓励大家去看老的视频来找到一些影响。甚至在我小的时候,我就会看那些老视频来帮我找到做招的灵感。但是我也能想象到中国有他们自己的Pro,尤其是奥运会将要到来,那些人肯定会支持他们的传奇滑手。也很高兴能看到有更多从亚洲走出来的Pro。

Skatehere: I think the skate scene here in China is at an interesting crossroads; the scene here is still quite young, and perhaps 20 years behind America’s. Many kids have never heard of Shorty’s or H-Street, why John Cardiel or Mark Gonzales are significant and may be hailed as legends, and they especially don’t have the access to materials like 411 magazine or old full length VHS videos to develop a certain mad-man appreciation over skateboarding’s finest talents. But, they’re at a point in time where Skateboarding is entering the olympics, video parts are almost dropped daily on Thrasher, and there’s so many different “niches” in skateboarding. Do you think it’s more important to hold on and preserve skateboarding’s past glory or dive in and embrace the new frontier?

Patrick: I think skateboarders will always celebrate the past, and I would encourage everyone to watch old videos to find influence.  Even when I was a kid I watched old videos to help me think of tricks to try.  But I would also imagine China will have its own pros, especially with the Olympics coming up, and those people will celebrated as their own legends.  It would be nice to see some more pros come out of Asia.


Skatehere: 近期有没有什么新的《滑手映像》项目我们值得期待的呢?

Patrick: 我和Sean Cliver还有Jeff Tremaine做了一部关于Big Brother的纪录片,以及关于它是如何量产蠢蛋搞怪秀的,明年将会在Hulu发布。

Skatehere: Are there any new Epicly Later’d projects we can expect from you soon?

Patrick: I made a documentary with Sean Cliver and Jeff Tremaine about Big Brother and how it spawned into Jackass, it will be released next year on Hulu.

Skatehere: 你最喜欢点什么中国菜?总的来说你又最喜欢吃什么呢?

Patrick: 我是素食主义者,所以米饭和蔬菜对我来说就很ok。我特别喜欢四季豆。

Skatehere: What’s your favorite Chinese food to order? What about your favorite food altogether?

Patrick: I am vegetarian, so it will be rice and veggies for me.  I really like string beans.




Skatehere: 中国的滑板也有很疯狂的历史。我们能否期待Vice会出一系列关于其他国家滑板圈以及关键人物的片子呢?

Patrick: 这也是很有意思啊,什么事都是有可能的。或许我会跟着不同的滑手来做一系列关于奥运的以及他们的奥运之路。

Skatehere: Skateboarding in China has an insane history with skateboarding here. Can we ever expect a vice series on other countries’ skate scenes and key players?

Patrick: That would be interesting.  Anything is possible.  Maybe I could do a series relating to the Olympics following different skaters and their paths to it?

Skatehere: 能给我们你最近播放列表里的五首歌曲以及艺术家吗?

Skatehere:  Can you give 5 songs and artists that’s currently on your playlist?

Future Islands “Before the Bridge”
Morrissey “Life is a Pigsty”
Suburban Lawns “Janitor”
Bonnie Prince Billy “That’s My Kind of Night”
Guided by Voices “If We Wait”


Photos Shot By: Patrick O’ Dell
Post By: wolfhowl @ 十一 22, 2016
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