三 Skateboarding: Erwin Jadraque 个人采访{周五独家发布视频}

来自@三skateboarding 的滑手@erwinstaholic 即将发布他的最新个人片段将在 Skatehere 独家发布!如果你还不了解他,不了解三滑板,周五不要错过他的全新片段!



Skatehere: 你多大了?

Erwin:  21岁

Skatehere: 你来自哪里?

Erwin:  夏威夷的大岛

Skatehere: 你现在住在哪里?

Erwin:  我现在几乎都住在加州的洛杉矶Sunland

Skatehere: 你玩滑板多久了?

Erwin:  我想大约有10年或者11年了吧


Skatehere: 你第一次看到滑板是什么情况?

Erwin:  好吧,在我小的时候我的哥哥是玩滑板的,所以我会一直看他玩滑板,我想那个时候我差不多6岁或是7岁个样子,也许还更小,这就是我第一看到滑板的场景。

Skatehere: 你最喜欢滑板的什么?

Erwin: 我最喜欢的就是你可以很有创意,在滑板中创造力是没有界限的,我喜欢那种永无止境的感觉,永远都有你要学的东西。

Skatehere: 你是怎么到三滑板队伍里的?

Erwin:  我两年前来过中国,在这里呆了差不多三个月吧,我那时候猜JP Sanders会祈祷加入队伍的,在旅行快结束的时候,他就想让我留在三滑板,我说好的,我当时可是非常得兴奋啊!





Skatehere: (问Jp) Erwin说是你那时候祈祷他进的三滑板,是吗?这听起来很怪,像是做礼拜之类的。

JP: 从2012年我第一次见到Erwin以来我就觉得他是最棒的,当然那个时候三滑板还没有正式成立,这只是当时的一个想法。不过话也说回来了,我当时很喜欢Erwin的风格,也能看到他能成为什么样的人,所以我就已经开始像这样祈祷:“上帝请你让Erwin加入我们的滑板队的话我会非常开心的。”所以几年后,Erwin带着一支CAS滑板队重新回到了中国,他比以前更棒了。Erwin有着很强的个性,对滑手们也很真诚,他也真的把耶稣的快乐带到了他去的每个地方。在我们让他加入队伍之前,他已经非常努力地帮我们公司宣传了。所以当他接受了我们让他加入三滑板的邀请时,就像是祈祷者收到了巨大的回应。我们一直希望和要求了很长一段时间。谢谢你耶稣!!

Skatehere: 我听说你是个多才多艺的人,音乐制作、衣服设计什么的,能跟我们讲讲吗?

Erwin:  好吧,我算是比较多才多艺吧,做音乐是我最喜欢的事,做hip hop音乐甚至只是弹一下吉他也好还有设计衣服都是我一直都想做的事。我一直都会对streetwear还它的一些风格感兴趣,因为对我来说,你穿什么跟你滑板的意义来说是相辅相成的。

Skatehere: 你希望通过滑板来做些什么呢?

Erwin:  我只想和别的滑手们在一起,我想成为他们的朋友,因为我想把我对耶稣的爱带给大家,因为我知道有很多玩滑板的都受过伤,有很多受伤的滑板人。





Skatehere: 你有想过要退出滑板吗?

Erwin:  我从没想过要退出,但是我会踢足球之类的,这些会占据我滑板的时间,哈哈,我从高三退出足球队之后就开始滑得越来越多了。

Skatehere: 最后有什么想说的吗?

Erwin:  shout out to my mom




Skatehere: How old are you?

Erwin: 21 years old,

Skatehere: Where are you from?
Erwin:  I’m from the big island of Hawaii

Skatehere: Where do you live now?
Erwin:  I now live in Sunland, California  pretty much in LA

Skatehere: How long have you been skating?
Erwin: About 10 or 11 years I think.

Skatehere: What was your first time seeing a skateboard?
Erwin:  Well my older brother skated and when i was young. I would always see him skating so i think i was like 6 or 7 or maybe even younger. That was like the first time i saw one.

Skatehere: Whats your favorite thing about skating?    
Erwin: Well my favorite thing is that you can pretty much be creative. There are no limits in creativity with skateboarding and I like how you can never arrive; there is always more to learn.

Skatehere: How did you get on San?
Erwin: Well I went to China 2 years ago and I was there for about 3 months and I guess JP Sanders prayed about me being on the team and at the end of my trip he asked me to be on San so I said yes and I was pretty stoked!



Skatehere: (To JP) Erwin says you prayed about Erwin getting on San? That sounds weird, like a cult or something haha?
JP:  Ever since I first met Erwin in 2012 I thought he was the greatest. Of course back then there was no official “San skateboarding”. It was just an idea. But even back then I loved Erwin’s style and could see the man He was growing into so I already started to pray like, “Jesus please!!! I would love if one day Erwin could be on our skate team!!”    So a couple years later Erwin came back to China leading a CAS skate team. He was better than ever. Erwin has an amazing personality and deep genuine love for skaters.  He really brings the Joy of Jesus with him everywhere he goes. Before we even put him on the team he was already repping our company super hard. So when he accepted our invitation to be on San it was just a huge answer to prayer. Something we had just been hoping and asking for for a long time. Thank you Jesus!!

Skatehere: I hear you are a man of many talents, making music and designing clothing. Tell us about that? 
Erwin:  Well yeah I have many talents. Making music is something I love to do. Making hip hop music or even playing the guitar and designing clothes has always been something I wanted to do. I’ve always been interested in street wear and the style and of it, because to me what you wear and skateboarding go together, if that makes sense.




Skatehere: What do you hope to do through skateboarding?

Erwin:  Well I just wanna be there for other skateboarders. I want to be their friend and show them and give them the love I have in Jesus Christ because I know theres a lot of broken people in the skateboarding.  There is a lot of hurting skateboarders.  (I don’t mean physically, lol that could be the case too) but spiritually broken inside.  They really need love and care and I Just wanna be there to show them love. I believe there’s more purpose than just to skateboard but to get past the skateboard and to look inside of peoples hearts and to love them. Even the greatest skateboarder in the world can be struggling and they need love and to be cared about. So thats what I want to do through skateboarding.

Skatehere: Did you ever want to quit skateboarding?
Erwin: Well i never did want to quit but I played soccer and stuff which took away time to skate. hahah I got cut from the team senior year of high school so I started skating more.

Skatehere: Any last shoutouts?
Erwin:  Shout out to my mom!


Follow Erwin at:

Weibo @sanskateboarding
Instagram @erwinstaholic
YouTube channel Erwin Jadraque
Soundcloud:  refined handsome















Post By: wolfhowl @ 六 29, 2016
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