adidas Skateboarding “Away Days”上海首映 #AwayDaysShanghai#



经过几期的Away Days的纪录片对整个拍摄过程的记录想必大家早就对这样一部大片产生了好奇,近一个月全球各地陆续开始首映adidas的这部大片,在大量宣传下取了得大家相当好的口碑和对此片的认可,大家可能都注意到了这次在他们的宣传海报上并没有中国城市在内, 本以为在国内无法感受首映气氛的朋友注意了,在全球首映这段时间的最后时期!adidas公司还是决定在上海为中国的滑手举办一次Away Days首映!5月29日,adidas Skateboarding将首映地址定在了上海939南京西路旗舰店,与此同时将会和上海FLY 合作,在29日下午3点后店铺会免费派发限量现场门票,唯一的条件就是前来取票的人须携带滑板,派发完票之后将会从FLY 出发,滑到附近的上海经典地形由Fly主持 举办一些小型的滑板活动,届时有机会获得限量adidas Away days产品!在活动结束后获得门票的朋友就可以前往南京西路旗舰店了,在7:30开始之前凭票同时可以获得免费啤酒小食,以及现场live DJ秀. 5月29日,如果你期待这部片子很久了,你最爱的滑手也在片子中!不要犹豫!带上你的滑板来上海FLY 领取限量免费门票,先到先得,还能滑一滑上海经典地形赢取奖品,绝对不能错过!!PS.因为首映门票有限,如果有的朋友没有抢到票!没关系!!你仍然可以看到高清完整版,在首映过后3天,也就是5月30日-6月1日,你可以在上海Fly店铺营业时间前来观看(11:30am-9:30pm)不过仅此3天。再悄悄透露一个小秘密,如果带着滑板来,FLY还能会送你免费啤酒和好吃的爆米花哦!Support your local skateshop!

After watching the Away Days episodes and seeing the global premieres in LA, Tokyo and Sao Paulo, the Chinese skate community has been anticipating the drop of the adidas’ full length feature film for a while now. There was definitely a sense of disappointment when we didn’t see a Chinese city’s name on the official global banner…but adidas skateboarding still had China’s best interest in mind. It’s now official. On May 29th adidas Skateboarding is premiering the Away Days video in Shanghai, at their flagship store on 939 Nanjing West Road. However, since this is an exclusive premiere, they are teaming up with local Shanghai skateshop FLY Streetwear to distribute a limited amount of tickets in store at 704 Chang Le Rd. at 3:00 PM on May 29th. Tickets are for free…as long as you bring your skateboard to the shop. The day will continue as FLY streetwear will be hosting a skate jam at a number of different local Shanghai skate spots, with customized adidas skate ramps and obstacles and chance to win adidas skateboardin product and exclusive Away Days kits.  Eventually, those who got a ticket will be invited to the Flagship store for a premiere party, with free flowing beer, snacks and a live DJ, with the actual premiere starting at 7:30. For the skaters in Shanghai anticipating adidas Skateboarding’s video premiere, bring your skateboard to FLY Streetwear on May 29th to get a ticket, and come shred with the local Shanghai skate scene!











Schedule for the Day:


3:00 PM - 在上海FLY集合携滑板领取限量首映门票并准备出发滑板活动。Meet at up FLY for skate jam. Tickets can be picked up, present your skateboard for your ticket to the premiere. First come, first serve. Limited number of tickets available.

4:15 PM – 从上海FLY出发前往上海经典地形参加滑板活动,赢取adidas Away Days定制产品!Head out from FLY for a skate jam at Shanghai’s local skate spots. Prizes and product will be given out during the jam!

7:30 Away Days首映正式开始在939 南京西路近泰兴路 adidas originals旗舰店!Away Days Premiere starts at adidas Originals Flagship store on 939 Nanjing West Rd. (Near Tai Xing Rd)

现场活动Skate Jam将品的照片





对于没有办法来到上海参加首映式喜爱adidas的朋友,adidas Skateboard专门在线上为你们准备了贴心礼物,3个抽奖名额!3双Away Days特制款以及三张Away Days iTunes下载卡——30号之后即可在网上下载超清版本。这么特殊劲爆的礼品怎么能错过!!现在,立马转发此条微博,截止日期5/27日,即有机会赢得!

For those who can’t make the premiere, adidas Skateboarding is launching a Weibo raffle contest today, and will be choosing 3 winners to receive a pair of exclusive Away Days shoes, and a free iTunes pass to download the Away Days video in High Res on May 30th. To be entered into the contest, all you have to do is repost our Away Days weibo post. Winners will be chosen on Friday, May 27th.









Post By: wolfhowl @ 五 20, 2016
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