Skatehere独家视频-Johnny Tang HK Visa Trip

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在过去的13年里,每过几个月我都会离开大陆去更新我的中国签证,这是一个能让我去游玩的好机会,能够认识一些新的朋友,拜访那些老朋友,还能了解 到我所熟悉的那些地方的一些新事物。我当时对香港也没太多的了解,就是想去那看看和朋友们一起滑板,所以我打电话给我同父异母的兄弟Kin Wai Wong看看能不能搬过去和他们一起住,他说没问题,我就收拾好行李订了一张票去了香港。我的那些好朋友像Johnnie Tang, Lung Chai就在将军澳附近,非常方便,很多当地滑手都会到那个板场滑板,所以我们也只会经常去那里滑板。我总是会把我的GoPro放在包里,这样的话当我看 到某些人要成什么招或是尝试什么动作的时候,我就会拿出来并激励他们。我不知道你们是怎么想的,换做是我的话要是看到别人相机都拿出来准备拍的时候,我就 会更加努力地去尝试而且这也会给我一点去尝试的动力。本来应该是一个半星期的行程最后却呆了4个礼拜,我从很多人那里搜集到了不少素材片段,并且都混在 IMovie里,于是就有了这部短片。香港是一个很不错的地方,如果你有机会一定要去将军澳板场还有HKIT skateshop(2/F 55 & 61 加连威佬道, 尖沙嘴, 香港+ 852-28913716)。

Every few months for the past 13 years I have leave the country to renew my Chinese Visa, Its a great opportunity for me to visit places, meet new friends, see old friends and learn some new things about the areas I’m frequently visiting. I haven’t heard much from Hong Kong and wanted to go see what was up and skate with the homies, so I called my brother from another mother Kin Wai Wong to see if I could crash with him and his family, he said its was no problem so I booked a ticket and packed my bags. Off to HK I went. TKO “Tseung Kwan O” was conveniently close to all the homies such as Johnnie Tang, Lung Chai, and a bunch of other locals who kill that park, so we’d just end up going there quite frequently to skate. I always had my GoPro in my bag so when I saw someone coming close to landing something or even trying something I’d just bust it out and try to help motivate them. I don’t know about you guys but when a camera is out I’ll tend to try a little harder or it’ll give me a bit more motivation to land the trick I’m trying. What was supposed to be a week and a half trip ended up being 4 weeks, I had collected quite a bit of footage from everyone and just messed around on iMovie and came up with this little video. Hong Kong is a great place to visit and if you get the chance definitely go visit TKO skatepark (将军澳运动场) and HKIT skateshop(2/F 55 & 61 加连威佬道, 尖沙嘴, 香港+ 852-28913716)


Ward by Johnny Tang













Post By: wolfhowl @ 三 25, 2016
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