Weartested: Eric Koston 3 Hyperfeel


最近在instagram, facebook还有一些滑板网站上话题最多的滑板鞋可能就是Koston 3了,Nike SB和传奇滑手Eric Koston再一次联手为他的第三双Pro款打造了一双与Nike SB产品线里的其他滑板鞋截然不同的滑板鞋,当然也不同于他前两双Pro款。Koston自己算是一个比较疯狂的球鞋迷,他知道自己想要什么,也知道这些鞋有什么优点。而这双Koston 3最引人注目的地方就是所谓的“袜套”,它的灵感来源于Nike Majista足球靴的flyknit鞋领,能给你的脚踝还有脚跟在鞋内更有一种安全感。无论你是在街上滑板,在做一个招还是在下一个台阶,这种安全感正是你想要在一双滑板鞋上所获得的。今年的Nike正在推Hyperfeel这一概念,而Koston 3就是第一双运用上的鞋款,它包括了Nike lunarlon的中底,这中底的薄度在你做一些技巧性地动作时足以能感受并控制好板,在脚跟位置则是有Lunarlon泡棉和Nike zoom air气垫单元的组合,在你做一些冲击性比较大的招时能起到很好的保护作用。有了这样的一些科技技术,我们一起来看看Koston在Nike SB的第三双签名款在我们10小时的测试中表现如何呢?

You’ve seen the hype on instagram, facebook and skate websites, Nike SB and legendary skateboarder Eric Koston has teamed up again for the third time to create something completely different from the Nike SB line-up, which includes his two previous pro models. Koston being a huge sneaker fan himself, knew exactly what he wanted and how it would perform; the shoe’s most noticeable feature is the attached “sock”, which takes inspiration from the flyknit collar of the Nike Majista football boot, and helps give a secure lock-in feel for your ankles and heels. This is the exact kind of security you need in a skateboard shoe whether you’re pushing down the street or trying to get that trick over and over a stair set. A new feature this year that Nike is pushing is the Hyperfeel concept, which the Koston 3 is one of the first to utilize. This includes a drop-in Nike lunarlon midsole which is thin enough for you to be able to feel your board when performing more technical tricks, and a heel that features a thicker Lunarlon foam with the bonus of a Nike zoom air unit to protect you with heavier impact tricks. With technical aspects aside, lets talk about how the third shoe in Koston’s Nike SB line performed after 10+ hours of wear testing.



Eric Koston 3 Hyperfeel会偏小一点,我们建议比平时选大半码。


The Eric Koston 3 Hyperfeel fits smaller, we recommend getting a half size bigger.



大多数时候,当谈到鞋的耐磨性时,某些区域像鞋头、鞋身或是外底等区域都会表现得比较出色,都被证实比鞋的其他部分更耐磨。但Koston3却不是这样的情况,鞋子所有的部分在耐磨性方面都超过所期望的,也都被证实是针对滑板所带来磨损的撕扯所精心设计过。个人而言,我不敢去做kickflip这样的招,因为我怕这样会把我所穿鞋子刷穿,但为了这样的weartest,我很乐意来一探究竟这样的一体式鞋头会有怎样的支撑效果,所以我无论何时何地都会尽可能地多做些kickflip。显然一体式的鞋头经受住了一轮又一轮的摧残,没有出现任何破洞。然而,鞋带却坏得很快,所以说鞋子鞋带孔的位置可能太靠近做flip招时会接触到的地方了。那些经常会磨损和撕扯区域的麂皮的耐磨性到现在还让我感到惊讶,竟然如此出色。像所有滑手那样,我会及时关注到Koston 3的外底,柔软的外底看起来并不怎么样,我也不认为它会比那些有着硬橡胶的底会更好,但事实也并不是这样的!非常出乎我意料,这样的外底能够经受住任何形式的滑板:games of S.K.A.T.E,板场里的畅滑,拍摄任务或是裤子拖地的那种风格。


Most of the time, when it comes to durability, certain areas of the shoe such as the toe-cap itself, the side-walls or the out-sole etc outshine and prove to be more durable than other parts of the shoe. But this wasn’t the case with the Koston 3; all parts of the shoe exceeded expectations in terms of durability and all proved to be engineered with the wear and tear of skateboarding in mind. Personally, I fear of kick flips because I’m afraid that they’ll just burn through the shoes I’m wearing, but for the sake of the weartest, I really wanted to see how the one piece toe-cap would hold up so I did kickflips where ever and when ever. The one piece toe-cap withstood session after session and therere was no show of any holes. With that said, the laces ripped quite fast, so the positioning of the shoe eyelets was a bit too in the direct line of fire for flip tricks. I was, and still am surprised of how incredibly durable the suede is around the usual wear and tear areas. As any skater would do, I instantly took notice to the Koston 3’s outsole. The soft rubber outsole didn’t look too promising, and I didn’t think they would any better than a shoe with a harder rubber…but this wasn’t the case either! To my surprise, the outsoles were able to endure all the elements of skateboarding, games of S.K.A.T.E, cruising the park, filming sessions, to pant-falling foot dragging.





Koston3 有一个配备了比较灵活的网状面的Lunarlon中底,这中底向前脚掌部分会慢慢变薄,而在脚跟区域则是会更厚一点,因为那有Nike标志性的Zoom air气囊来增加对脚跟的保护。这样的设计有助于滑手在做招时不会失去平板鞋的那种控板感,而且还能在鞋子有限的生命内更好地保护到你的脚跟。这边还有一个特别引人注目的细节就是拱脚的支撑,这有助于我在长时间的滑板后脚不会那么痛。它的鞋垫也无疑是我所遇见过的最有技术含量之一的了。


The Koston 3 comes with a drop-in Lunarlon midsole equipped with a flexible web design. The midsole pans out to be thinner towards the forefoot, but gets much thicker in the heel area which features the iconic Nike Zoom air bag for added heel protection. This design benefits the rider without losing any of the board feel of a flat bedded shoe and helps protect your heels beyond the lifespan of the shoe. A small detail that was also quite noticeable was the support in the arch of the foot, which helped keep my feet less sore after a long session. These insoles are definitely one of the more technical insoles I’ve come across.



在10小时的weartest中,Nike SB Koston 3很好地保持了它的形状。一体式的麂皮鞋头支撑起了它的结构,并且也没有松动的缝线让鞋头在滑板的时候失去它的形状。比较令人印象深刻的就是鞋子的Flyknit鞋领,那种把脚锁在鞋内的感觉非常好,不经意间增加鞋子的稳定性的使用寿命。通常来说,当你滑板时脚上出脚汗,鞋子会吸收这些水汽,这样鞋子的形状就会明显地改变,失去它的结构和稳定性。但是这双鞋能很好地保持它的形状和结构,在刚开始的几个小时内几乎没有什么改变。此外,鞋子脚后跟的的位置更是非常稳定,那边有一个附加的塑料面来让鞋子后跟区域的形状保持直立,而且还能在滑板打到脚后跟的时候很好地保护后跟和跟腱。


Throughout the 10 hour weartest, the Nike SB Koston 3 held its shape up very well. The one piece suede toe cap held it’s structure and offered no loose seams for the toe box to lose its shape from skating.  More impressive was the flyknit sockliner of the shoe, which held up the shoes lock-in feel extremely well, inadvertently increasing the lifespan of the shoe’s stability. Often, when your feet get sweaty from skating, the shoe absorbs moisture and the shape of the shoe changes significantly, losing much of it’s structure and stability. However, with this shoe, the shoe’s shape and structure was very well maintained and almost showed no signs of change over the first few sessions. Moreover, the heel of the shoe proved to extremely stable; there was an added plastic wall to keep the shoe’s heel shape upright and also protected the heel to achilles tendon well from boards jamming into the heel.




这双鞋的控板感非常令人印象深刻,令人惊奇的是,作为一双杯状底的鞋子,竟然有着跟硫化鞋如此相像的特点,Lunarlon的缓冲元素加上Zoom air的气垫并没有把控板感盖住,感觉还是比较薄的,这就让鞋子从鞋盒里拿出来就能直接滑板了。抓板性来说在最开始的时候并不是那么好,可能是鞋底材料的原因吧,虽然看起来像比较有粘性的鞋底但是并没有那好的抓板性。但滑得越多,它的抓板性就越来越好,慢慢地适应了。鞋子杯状底外边还有一些小的缺口,这也为鞋子提供了更好的灵活性,有助于增加灵活性的同时也让我每次穿上鞋滑板时抓板性感觉起来更连贯。这也可能与整个鞋底的简单却又至关重要的设计有关,这在我们测试阶段也出现了些许磨损。

Boardfeel and grip

The boardfeel of this shoe was very impressive. Surprisingly, even as a cupsole model, it had very similar features as a vulcanized shoe: the Lunarlon cushioning elements and the added Zoom air bag did not overpower board feel and felt relatively thin, which made it skate able right out of the box. Grip at the beginning was not the best. It may have been this sole’s material, which seemed like a gum sole but with much less grip. The grip with more skating, got better after being broken in. Rivets are added to the cupsole outside in areas outside of the sole which helped provide better flexibility. This helped increase the flexibility and also made the grip feel very consistent each time I put em on to skate. This may also have to do with the very simple and strategic design throughout the entire bottom of the sole which also showed little abrasion throughout the wear test time period.








说到舒适性,这双鞋从鞋盒里刚拿出来可能要适应一会,Nike也的确在制作Eric Koston 3时花的功夫比其他传统滑板鞋要多,这也是为什么在刚开始的时候需要一段时间去适应,甚至在刚开始的时候会感觉到有一点不舒服。不过话也说回来,一旦你适应了这双鞋,鞋子那些科技元素给你带来的快感会让你觉得刚开始的不舒服都是值得的。直立的袜领刚开始看起来有点笨拙,但在保护和稳定脚踝方面都做得很好。透气性相对于之前两双Nike SB Koston鞋款来说有了很大的改善,从图中能看到,整个鞋的中部都能看到透气的网面,从脚弓到脚趾区域还有中足区域。另一个有助于提供更好稳定性的Nike创新技术就是用在整个鞋上的hyperfuse鞋面材质,没有接缝的hyperfuse鞋面材质包裹住了中足那些主要稳定区域,受力后(滑板或是走路的时候)能更多地去支撑起鞋子的结构。还有一点值得一提的就是隐藏在鞋带孔后面的鞋带环,这个小细节能确保在滑板的时候鞋带间的间隔更加均匀。总的来说,这双鞋确实很轻,尤其是在较易磨损的区域还用上了这么耐磨的麂皮。

Comfort and stability

With regards to comfort, the shoes right out of the box get some getting used to. Nike really spent time in making the Eric Koston 3 as different from traditional skate shoes as possible, which is why initially, the break in period takes a bit longer, and can bit a little uncomfortable at first. But with that said, once the break in period is over, the benefits from the shoe’s technical elements is well worth the initial discomfort. The upright sock collar looks a bit awkward at first, but does amazing in securing your feet and stabilizing your ankle to prevent ankle rolls. Breathability was a drastic improvement from the past 2 Nike SB Koston models; as can be seen in the pictures, mesh ventilation is found throughout the mid-section the shoe, from the arch area to where your toes meet your foot and mid foot area. Another innovation of Nike technology which helped create great stability is the hyperfuse taping used throughout the shoe. The seamless hyperfuse taping wrapped around the core stabilizing areas of the shoe’s midfoot and gave it a bit more structure when put under stress (pushing and walking). One added feature that should be mentioned are the lace loops that are hidden behind the eyelets of the shoe. This tiny feature helps to secure the shoelaces when skating and even makes the laces look much more proportionate in terms of spacing. Overall, the shoe was quite light, which was very impressive given the durable suede used through wear and tear areas.



如此标新立异的Koston 3 Hyperfeel对于整个滑板界来说都是影响比较大的,它的科技元素对于缓冲、耐磨和稳定性方面都有很大的提升,但是从舒适性和抓板性来看还是有待加强的。


The introduction of the Koston 3 Hyperfeel to the skateboard world is a strong one; it’s technical elements excel in terms of cushioning, durability and stability, but it’s comfort and grip could be strengthened.



Weartested by: Johnny Tang

Translation: Andy

Post By: wolfhowl @ 三 19, 2016
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