VANS 50周年SK8 HI 定制专访


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2016对于VANS来说是个不一般的年份,VANS50周年了!我们也可以在最近的新闻中察觉到VANS即将会围绕这一主题展开一系列的宣传活动,作为预热VANS在全球范围内为他的家族成员们特意定制了一款SK8 HI 50周年特别款,收到这些鞋的包括,艺术家,滑手, 艺人,音乐人…我们也了解到中国只有10个人收到了属于他们的VANS SK8 HI,为此Skatehere采访到了其中4位

2016 isn’t just any year for Vans, it marks their 50th anniversary! We can see from the recent promotional events that they’ve been pushing this anniversary hard by giving their influencers a specially customized pair of 50 Year Anniversary All Black leather Sk8 Hi’s. Among the few to receive this special gift include artists, musicians, skaters and other like minded folk…we at Skatehere found out 10 people in China also received this special gift and tracked four of them down for a quick interview. Check what they had to say down below!


Vans 的职业滑手Geoff Rowley和超人气天团bigbang组合成员太阳 Tae Young 的定制鞋子






Skatehere: 你今年多大?你第一次拿到Vans是什么时候?那一双鞋子,你记忆当中有什么样的感觉?

Skatehere: How old are you this year? When and what memory do you have of getting your first pair of Vans?

6: 可以不要回答年龄吗?(哈哈,女生求放过~)第一次拿到VANS大概是十几岁左右吧,因为上学时喜欢滑板和街头文化,从网络上了解到美国有一个叫做VANS的品牌,特别喜欢,后来偶然在滑板店里买到了我的第一双VANS鞋,是一双黑色经典款的sk8-hi,不过是日产的,但是也被我当成宝了,因为当时真的很难很难买到VANS!

6: Can I not reply to the age? (Haha, don’t ask girls their age). The first time I got a pair of Vans was around 10 years old, cause during that time at school I was really into skateboarding and street fashion and I learned about the American company Vans from the internet. I really liked them, and finally bought my first pair of vans at a skate shop, they were a pair of classic black Sk8-Hi’s. However, they were made in Japan, and I treated them as my prized possessions, since that time it was really hard finding a pair of Vans.

Skatehere: 你现在的工作是什么?Vans跟你工作里有什么关系?

Skatehere: What’s your current job and how does Vans tie in with it?

6: 我的工作是一名电影美术师,也是一个品牌设计师,偶尔也画一些插画、水墨画。有时我会和Vans公司合作一些设计。

 6: My current work right now is a cinematographer editor, as well as a brand designer. I also sometimes will have do illustrations, and ink paintings. I’ve also collaborated with Vans on some designs.




Skatehere: 你最喜欢的Vans合作款鞋子是那个?为什么?

Skatehere: Which is your favorite Vans collaboration shoe and why?

6: 国内的话,我很喜欢Vans X Kiroic的“罗夏之梦”系列,图案有我喜欢的水墨感觉,皮的质感也是我喜欢的。国外的最喜欢星球大战系列,因为喜欢这系列电影。

6: If we’re talking about in China, I like the Vans by Kiroic series, because the design has the ink painting feel that I like, and the quality of the leather is also really good. Outside of China, I really like the Star Wars collab shoe just because I really like the movies.





Skatehere: 你自己的风格是怎么创造的?从那些艺术家得到了灵感?

Skatehere: How did you create your own style of art and which artists did you take inspiration from?

6: 我最近的风格是以传统文化的感觉为主,有国画、壁画、浮世绘、唐卡、年画等等因素影响。我喜欢的当代艺术家有日本的天野喜孝、还有美籍华裔James Jean,他们俩影响我比较深。

6: My recent style of art takes inspiration from China’s traditional art culture, including traditional Chinese painting, fresco mural painting, Ukiyoe, Tangka, Chinese new year style of painting etc… The contemporary artists that I like include the Japanese artist Amano Kita, and the ABC James Jean; both of their styles of art have impacted a large amount.

Skatehere: 国内有哪些艺术家你觉得技术不错?为什么?

Skatehere: Who are the best artists in China with the best technique? Why?

6: 国内很多艺术家都很不错,比如北京的“擦主席”,他的绘画风格很直接却又很细腻。我很喜欢上官喆(SANKUANZ)的设计,有些想法特别的大胆,并且能让这些疯狂的设计呈现在服饰上,我觉得很了不起。

6: There’s a lot of great artists in China, for example Dick Ng from Beijing. His style of brushwork is very straightforward but also quite exquisite at the same time. I also really like Sankuanz’s designs, some of his approaches are really bold, and the fact that some of his audacious designs made it onto clothing is something that I can’t even fathom.



 Himm Wonn (DOE)

urban杂志主编, DOE街铺及品牌经理人


Skatehere: 你今年多大?你第一次拿到Vans是什么候?那一双鞋子,你记忆当中有什么的感

Skatehere: How old are you this year? When and what memory do you have of getting your first pair of Vans?

Himm: 36。已经记不清何开始穿Vans了。当的感就是Vans

Himm: 36. Can’t remember when I first started wearing Vans, but at the time I remember thinking Vans were really dope.

Skatehere: 在的工作是什么?Vans跟你工作里有什么关系?

Skatehere: What’s your current job and how does Vans tie in with it?

Himm: 媒体人、创意类工作。Vans和我有千丝万缕的关系。

Himm: Media person who also does a lot of creative work. Vans and I have a long working history together.


Skatehere: 你最喜的Vans合作款鞋子是那个?什么?

Skatehere: Which is your favorite Vans collaboration shoe and why?

Himm: Vans和Blends合作的那双。因为好看稀有。

Himm: The Vans x Blends Collab cause it’s so rare to find.

Skatehere: 你最喜设计师什么喜

Skatehere: Do you have a favorite fashion designer? If so who and why?

Himm: 没有。

Himm: Nope.

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Skatehere: 你穿一双vans跟你穿另一外品牌的鞋子有什么不同的感受

Skatehere: As a sneakerhead with a bunch of different kind of shoes, what’s the difference in wearing a pair of Vans as opposed to other shoes?

Himm: 轻松,有在加州的错觉。

Himm: Relaxing, as if you were in California.


Jeff Han

Fly StreetWear经理人, 独立制片人


Skatehere: 你今年多大?你第一次拿到Vans是什么时候?那一双鞋子,你记忆当中有什么样的感觉?

Skatehere: How old are you this year? When and what memory do you have of getting your first pair of Vans?

Jeff Han: 可以不谈论年龄的问题吗?~哈~反正是不小了. 我第一次拿到Vans应该是94年的时候吧。年代久远,依稀记得好像是双half-cab。

Jeff Han: Next question. Just kidding, well I’m not young anymore that’s for sure. My first time wearing a pair of Vans was in ’94, my memory is a little blurry but I think it was a pair of half-cabs.

Skatehere: 你现在的工作是什么?Vans跟你工作里有什么关系?

Skatehere: What’s your current job and how does Vans tie in with it?

Jeff Han: 我的工作…平面设计、拍影片、摄影、管理店铺、品牌推广、网站制作……总之是做自己喜欢,感兴趣的事。Vans刚进中国之时,有幸开设了中国第一家Vans专卖店(长乐路店)。从这家店的角度来说,和Vans应该是生意合作关系,也与Vans合作设计过:Vans Rabbit、Vans Cricket、Vans Year of the snake的鞋子

Jeff Han: My job…I do everything from graphic design, filming videos, shooting photos, managing a store, brand promotiong, website building…but whatever it is I do it’s something I like to do and am fully interested in. Right before Vans entered China, I had the oppurtunity to open the first Vans Retail store on Chang Le Rd. From the perspective of this store, my relationship with Vans has been a collaborative business relationship, and I’ve also helped design many Vans collab shoes including the Vans Rabbit Year, Vans Cricket, and Vans Year of the Snake shoes.

Skatehere: 你怎么想到想要把这一双定制的Vans滑掉?

Skatehere: Why’d you choose to skate up your pair of customized Vans?

Jeff Han: 收到这双定制鞋后被惊到了,鞋后跟居然绣了我的名字,办公室的同事Edan随口说了一句“你应该马上穿上滑一下。”正巧那天天气出奇的好,而我也有大半年忙于工作没真实的滑过板了,拿到这双鞋竟然有强烈的滑欲,当即就甩下手头的工作,滑去了~哈。同事Joe还帮我用手机拍了几个动作,要知道十几年前我就开始拍别人的滑板视频,一直到现在却没怎么被人拍过~哈~最近的一次是好几个月前,也是因为用了一块Vans限量春上隆的滑板拍了一小段手机视频,请容忍我把这些简单的基本动作调成了慢动作~我依然保留着滑板人的毛病:一遍遍地看自己的动作,自我欣赏~哈~滑完这次我就把这双鞋擦干净,保存在店铺的橱窗里了。这样对我来说,这双鞋保留了我那天下午开心滑板的记忆!年轻时从没想过会像现在这样在办公室电脑前忙碌..滑板的时间越来越少,对滑板的瘾头多少有些淡化,感谢VANS让我从新记起滑板时的快乐~感谢VANS的兄弟,Mitchell, Michael, Matt, Alvin, RawB,真心喜欢这双定制VANS~~

Jeff Han: Well after receiving this pair of custom made shoes with my name stitched on the back of the shoe, my co-worker Edan kiddingly said that I should go and skate them up. That day the weather was surprisingly perfect and although I haven’t had a break from work to skate in over half a year, I picked up the shoes and had a strong desire to stop my work at the time and go test them out. My co-worker Joe also brought out the iphone and started filming some clips of the tricks I was trying. You have to understand, for over ten years I’ve been behind the camera filming other people skate, but have never been in front of the camera being filmed.The most recent time I was filmed was about half a year ago, also using Vans’ limited edition Harukami Takashi skate deck, and filmed some clips for a short video. Hope you can tolerate the slo mo effect for my basic tricks. I’ve got the same problem with all skaters: the self- appreciation you get after watching your own tricks over and over. After I skated these 50 year anniversary shoes though, I cleaned them off a bit and put them in the glass window full of skate memorabilia at FLY. With that said, those pair of shoes will stay there and represent the good memories of skating that one day! When I was much younger I never though most of my time would be spent working in front of my computer, with less and less time to go out and skate, or that my over the top skateboarding addiction would fade out. Thanks to Vans for bringing back the good memories of skateboarding, and thanks to brothers that helped me out,  Mitchell, Mike, Matt, Alvin and Rawb, stoked on this pair of custom Vans!

Skatehere: 你最喜欢的滑板视频是什么?部分呢?为什么?

Skatehere: What is your favorite skate video and skate part?

Jeff Han: 最喜欢Girl的滑板影片《mouse》中guy-mariano的片段。

Jeff Han: Girl’s Skateboard Company’s Mouse, and guy mariano’s part was the best.

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Skatehere: 你觉得国内哪些滑手滑得最厉害?

Skatehere: Which skaters in China do you think are killing it hardest?

Jeff Han: 单从风格和技术的角度来说,我比较欣赏Johnny Tang、车霖、王汇丰、张子扬、胡天佑、王旻君,王玓,这几个滑手。

Jeff Han: With style and technicality in mind, I would say Johnny Tang, Che Lin, Cyres Wong, ZZY, Jeremy Hu, Wang Min Jun, and Wang Di.





Skatehere: 你今年多大?你第一次拿到Vans是什么时候?那一双鞋子,你记忆当中有什么样的觉?

Skatehere: How old are you this year? When and what memory do you have of getting your first pair of Vans?

J-Fever: 我今年30岁。拿到第一双vans是在我的十八岁,我想那是一双假vans。但我觉得那就是酷。

J-Fever: This year I’m 30 years old. The first time I got a pair of Vans was when I was 18 years old. I wanted to get a pair of fake Vans, cause I thought the company was so tight.


Skatehere: 你现在的工作是什么?Vans跟你工作里有什么关系?

Skatehere: What’s your current job and how does Vans tie in with it?

J-Fever: 我是一个说唱歌手。我是vans家庭的一员,伴随house of vans云游各地 。我们经常做一些出乎意料的事儿。

J-Fever: I’m an emcee. I’m a member of the Vans family, I accompany where House of Vans wanders to. I’m always in some unexpected moves.

Skatehere: 你觉得国内哪些说唱歌手唱的最厉害?

Skatehere: Which hip hop artists do you think are killing it the hardest in China?

J-Fever: 我每天都在digging中文说唱 ,我觉得每个麦克风手都特别有意思。

J-Fever: I’m always digging through some Chinese hip-hop vinyls, but I think anyone who grabs the mic is pretty dope.

Skatehere: 你一开始说唱的时候是从哪些说唱歌手得到灵感?

Skatehere: When you first start rapping, who did you listen to the most that impacted your style?

J-Fever: 受我当时听到过的所有说唱歌手的影响。

J-Fever: Everyone who I listened to in the past impacted.





Skatehere: Which direction do you think hip hop will go in the next 10 years?

J-Fever: 我觉得方言说唱的发展会越来越稳定和成熟,而越来越多的beat maker 会从中国传统音乐中挖出更多灵感。我相信未来十年音乐和创意领域最疯狂最有趣的想法一定诞生在hip hop当中。

J-Fever: I think local dialect hip hop will develop to be more stable and mature, and more and more beat makers will incorporate a lot of China’s traditional music. I believe in the next ten years for music and the creative field, the craziest and the most interesting approaches will be derived from hip hop.



Post By: Jeff @ 三 10, 2016
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