Weartested: Converse Cons Metric CLS


尽管Nike已经收购Converse十多年了,但是我们很少能看到一双融入进Nike Sport Research Lab革新技术的Cons鞋子。我们偶尔能看到Lunarlon鞋垫的运用,麂皮鞋面的增强,但是像Cons Metric CLS这样一双从头到尾每个方面都充斥着科技技术元素的鞋似乎至今还没出现过。Jake Johnson也是非常喜欢这鞋,而他无疑是一位技术高超的ledge滑手,除此之外,在他的Static片段中你也看到他做得一些高强度招还有no comply ,switch wallride这样的招。CLS非常舒适,重量也轻,稳定性也好,Metric CLS也是第一双Cons推广介绍有着他们革新技术的鞋子。鞋的实际轮廓看起来很简单,但外表之下可是有不少特点的,Cons把朴素和高科技完美地结合打造了这双Metric CLS,让我们一起来看看这双鞋在我们10小时的测试中表现如何。

Although Nike had acquired Converse more than ten years ago, we seldom come across a Cons model that features the innovative technology a Nike Sport Research Lab would foster. Occasionally, we see Lunarlon insoles being adapted, and the quality of suede is heightened, but a new model that features technical elements in every aspect of the shoe from toe to heel like the Cons Metric CLS hasn’t surfaced until now. Jake Johnson is backing the shoe, so you know that this technnology undoubtedly covers your technical ledge skater, but also handles the high impact no complies and switch wallrides you see in his Static parts. CLS stands for Comfort, Lightweight and Stability, and the Metric CLS is the first model in Cons’ push to introduce their new platform for technical and innovative shoes. The actual silhouette of the shoe looks quite simple, but underneath it all are a bunch of added features; Cons combined simplicity and technicality perfectly to create the Metric CLS, let’s see how it skated in our 10 hr test.



Cons Metric CLS偏大半码,建议比你平时穿的选小一码。


The Cons Metric CLS runs a half size big, would recommend going a half size down than what you usually wear.



如果要说在整个测试过程中最令人印象深刻的,就是Metric CLS的耐磨性了。该鞋的鞋面是由高质量的麂皮制成的一体式鞋面,且在整个测试过程中都没有出现破洞。一体式的鞋头果然是有效果的,因为这样在那些比较容易磨损的地方的没有缝线。此外,在10小时的l试后,外底的磨损情况比鞋头更明显,这也证实了这双鞋所用麂皮的耐磨质量。有一个比较印象深的特点就是Cons随鞋附赠鞋带的耐磨性,原始鞋带上附着了一层蜡,这也防止了鞋带磨损过快。在我们这次测评中,鞋带和鞋面不仅撑过了10小时的测试,而且看样子再撑10小时也不是问题。


If there was one thing that was the most impressive throughout the whole weartest, it would be the durability of the Metric CLS. The shoe features a one piece upper made of high quality suede that showed zero holes after the test period. The whole one-piece toe cap proved to be every effective as there were no seams to be ripped in the line of fire. Moreover, after the 10 hr weartest, the outsole rubbed out before the toe-cap which was a testament to the durable quality of suede being used for this model. One impressive feature was also the durability of the shoelaces that Cons originally includes with the purchase of the shoe; the original shoelaces that are included have a bit of a wax layer that helps a bit to prevent the shoelaces from ripping too fast. In our case, the shoelaces as well as the upper not only lasted our 10-hr weartest, but definitely had enough vitality to last for another 10 hr.




缓冲是Cons在CLS model这双鞋中所推崇的三项技术元素之一,中底上的双密度结构在吸收中高级别的缓冲以及改善鞋子的稳定性时表现非常出色。当大多数的滑板鞋为了追求轻量以及灵活性都选择EVA泡棉时,Cons在和Nike SB的lunarlon材料比较像的Phylon材料里注入了两种不同的材料来对鞋底中底做了一些调整。在你下6阶或是更高台阶,做这样的一些高冲击滑板动作时,你的脚踝所吸收的冲击还有失败时的那些动作都会受力不均导致足内翻,你的脚踝就会向内倾斜。Cons的鞋底夹层和稳定的跟锁能改正你脚的姿势从而避免那些平底足滑手做大动作时容易引起的足内翻。这双鞋的缓冲性能很不错,任何脚跟受伤的情况被很好地避免了。


Cushioning is one of the three technical elements Cons is pushing in this CLS model, highlighting the advantages of a dual density construction in the midsole when it comes to absorbing medium to high impacts as well as improving the stability of a shoe. While most skate models use the EVA foam for it’s lightweight and flexibility features, Cons has adapted it’s midsole with two different density foams injected with Nike’s Phylon performance foam that have a similar composition as Nike SB’s lunarlon foam. In high impact skating when you’re jumping down 6 stairs and up, your ankles absorb the heavy impact and the awkward movements with different bails can distribute the weight unevenly to cause over-pronation, where your ankles tend to lean inwards. Con’s midsole and stable heel lock work together and almost correct your feet’s posture to prevent the over-pronation that skaters with flat feet may often face when jumping down these high impact stairs and gaps. The cushioning of this model was great, any heel bruises that would have happened were well prevented.



在整个10小时的测试过程中,Cons Metric CLS很好地保持了他的形状,一体式的麂皮鞋头支撑起了整个结构,让鞋头没有什么宽松的接缝而变形。更值得注意的是鞋子的后跟,用一个塑料壳牌加固了,非常好地保持了后跟区域的结构,无疑是延长了鞋子稳定性的寿命。通常,在你滑板时脚上出汗,鞋子会吸收水汽,鞋子的形状也会明显改变,失去它的结构和稳定性。但是在这双鞋的透气性比较平均的情况下,鞋子的形状和结构都保持的很好,在开始的时候几乎都没有什么改变的迹象。


Throughout the 10 hour weartest, the Cons Metric CLS held its shape up very well. The one piece suede toe cap held it’s structure and offered no loose seams for the toe box to lose its shape from skating.  More impressive was the heel of the shoe, which was reinforced with a strong plastic shell that held up the heel’s structure extremely well, inadvertently increasing the lifespan of the shoe’s stability. Often, when your feet get sweaty from skating, the shoe absorbs moisture and the shape of the shoe changes significantly, losing much of it’s structure and stability. However, with this shoe, despite only average breathability, the shoe’s shape and structure was very well maintained and almost showed no signs of change over the first few sessions.




Boardfeel and grip

The boardfeel of this shoe was only average. Although Cons stresses that their midsole construction allows a cupsole model to have a similar boardfeel as a vulcanized model, the cushioning elements still overpowered the boardfeel and felt relatively thick. Initially, grip was not as grippy as we would have thought, but gradually improved with more skating. An added feature on the shoe is a tread pattern of small dots where the kickflip and ollie hole is, which help to increase the traction of the shoe and directs a lot of the abrasion towards the traction pattern instead of the actual suede. Moreover, the outsole of the shoe features directionally shaped edges that gives the outsole more traction; different tricks require different parts of abrasion on the outsole, the edges prolong the lifespan and efficiency of the outsole’s grip and traction. Essentially, grip got better as the shoe broke in, but right out of the box the grip is only average. The grip of the sole however, was very nice and had zero blow out spots.





舒适性从鞋子整体的结构来看算是一个缺点,刚从鞋盒拿出来的时候鞋子非常僵硬,不是很灵活。随着时间的推移,这一点也慢慢得到了改善,在我们10小时的测试后,鞋子最终也是适应了。透气性同样也是平均,但值得庆幸的是,Metric CLS的鸭舌被精简成一个非常透气的网面,能让热气从网面上散去。鸭舌的另一个功能就是能保持在中间那一块的位置,最后变成像袜子那样的织物让鸭舌和鞋子在滑板时的位置保持不变,从而增加了鞋子的舒适性和稳定性。虽然鞋头困住了许多热气,但是鞋头的结构并没有受到影响,总的来说,鞋子也是很轻的,这也是值得注意的一点,毕竟鞋跟的加固以及双密度材料的缓冲中底摆在那。鞋子的稳定性也很不错,像之前说到的那样,鞋子加固的后跟提供了非常卓越的结构,内部的跟锁也是配备了一些填充物让你的后跟锁在鞋内。同时,鞋子中底是不能拿出来的,所以不用担心鞋子会滑脚。在与鞋舌的结合之下,滑板时穿着Metric CLS就能提供一个非常安全和稳定的感觉。

Comfort and stability

Comfort was a drawback in terms of the shoe’s overall construction. Right out of the box, the shoe feels extremely stiff, and not very flexible. With time, this improves and after our 10 hour weartest, the shoe felt like it was finally broken into. Breathability was also only average, but thankfully, the Metric CLS’ tongue was slimmed down to a very breathable mesh panel and offered heat and moisture to escape through this panel. Another feature of the tongue that added to the comfort and stability of the shoe was its tongue centering straps that eventually molded into a sock-like fabric which helped hold the shoe and the tongue in place while skating. The toecap however, trapped a lot of heat but the structure of the toe-cap was not affected. Overall, the shoe was also quite light, which was very impressive given the amount of reinforcement used on the heel and the dual density cushioning midsole. Stability of the shoe was great. As aforementioned, the shoe’s reinforced heel provided amazing structure and the inside heel lock was outfitted with some padding to hold your heel in place. Moreover, it was impossible to take the midsole out of the shoe, so there was no worry for slippage. This, combined with the tongue centering straps allowed a very secure and stable feeling when skating with the Metric CLS.








The first model to come out of the CLS technical platform is an exciting new technical shoe to be added in Cons’ product line. The shoe impresses with it’s prolonged durability, exceptional stability and overall dual density cushioning. But with that said, the model sacrifices a bit of comfort and boardfeel.


Post By: wolfhowl @ 三 03, 2016
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