Weartested: Ishod Wair 采访


Ishod最近来到了柏林Weartest参与了他的Dunk Low Pro “Ishod Wair”鞋子的发布。我们和Solo Skatemag还有Place Skatemag很荣幸有这个机会能采访到Ishod,谈谈关于他的鞋,Love Park 还有他的车。

Ishod came to the Berlin Weartest and for the launch of his Dunk Low Pro “Ishod Wair” shoe. Together with Solo Skatemag and Place Skatemag we had the chance to chat with him and ask him about his shoe, Love Park and cars.



我 本只是想让他们把鞋子设计的更瘦一点,他们最终也接纳了我的建议,我从没想过他们会跑来跟我说他们要设计一款我自己的签名款,我只是想他们如果仅仅是把 鞋子改瘦,我也是极为开心的, 没想到他们跑过来问我要改这改那并且说这可能会是你的Pro款,我就想“什么?这简直太令我惊喜了!?”

Could you describe the process of developing your new shoe?

It was more the thing that I was telling them a bunch of time to slim down the dunk and they finally were willing to do this. I wasn’t expecting them to be like “Hey this is your new shoe” I just thought that they gonna slim it up and me being like “Sick this is a perfect Dunk now”. It just kinda turned on me in the best way possible. They came up to me, slimmed down this and that and said it could be your pro shoe and I was like “What? Shit is dope!”



不 会,如果我低头看到我自己的签名鞋会很满意的滑它。我一直非常不喜欢我的裤子盖住鞋子的鸭舌现在也是如此,所以对我来说薄鸭舌和硫化底的鞋就更舒服了。有 一阵子,硫化底伤到了我的脚但是我想我可能是穿小了一号。我还很喜欢Bruins,这鞋也很舒服。鞋子边上的内衬可以让你的脚跟鞋子更加贴合。虽然 Bruins很牛掰,但是Dunk也是一样舒服的。

You used to skate the vulcanized Janoski a lot – was it hard switching to the Dunk?

No, it is all about looks to me. If I can look down on my shoes and they look good I eventually be able to skate it. The Janoski doesn’t really have a tongue. I really hated it when my pant go over my tongue and I still do. So there is no tongue and a vulcanized sole – it is dope. For a while vulcanized soles where hurting my fee but I think I was wearing too small of a size. I also really liked the Bruins, they are dope. The liner on the side that holds your foot down is bit to tight. But yeah the Bruins are amazing and Dunk are amazing, too.




Do you break your shoes in or skate them right out of the box?

Yeah sometimes, depending how fresh they are. A dope colorway I got to walk around a little bit because they are so dope that I try to stun on em. But not normally I just kind of bend them up with my hands a little bit and thew them on.





我 喜欢尽可能多地去滑板。如果我在家并且有8个小时的空余时间我当然会滑上8个小时, 如果每天都要滑上着固定的8个小时我就会说“不”了。我不会像那样给自己规划时间做任何事,有时候我就是不滑了或者有什么事,大家都知道要“go skate every damn day”,虽然这听起来很不错,但是有时候就是很难做到每一天都去滑板。有时候你就是会有事情忙,我也是有一个月没回家了,我有自己的房子,但是我就是得 把这些事先做完。我没有见到我的家人, 我还养了一只新猫。我就是有这么多事,所有的这些琐事虽然都不是什么大事,但是需要我花时间去打理。我以前的任务就是有效地安排自己的生活,如果我只是一 味地去滑板的话,我就会强迫自己抽出身来,因为我会把所有的事都推在一边。我是非常懒的一个人,这一点从我小时候到现在都是这样的。你知道我现在是一名职 业滑手,滑得也就没小时候那么多了,因为有太多的事要去做了。比如我到这里参加活动,一天就过去了,滑板被各种采访取代,要是我在家,我就一定每一天都滑 板。在这段时间,我也没像以前滑得那么多了,作为一名职业滑手滑板的时间反而没有以前多确实是件疯狂的事。

There are rumors that you skate at least eight or more hours a day. Is there a lot of truth in it?

I like to skate as much as I can. If I’m at home and I’ve like eight hours that are free then hell yeah I skate eight hours a day but if it is about to say that I skate this specific amount of time everyday I just have to say nah, I don’t time myself or doing anything like that. I just end up going skating and whatever happens just happens. You know there was this “go skate every damn day” campaign. And that sounds sick but sometimes it is really hard to skate every damn day. Sometimes you got stuff to do.  I didn’t come home for a month and I own a house and have to do all this stuff. I have all this mail, I didn’t see my family and I have a new cat. I have all these things, which are not super serious but they of course take time. My prior task is to arrange my life in a way that works because if I just skate all the time, I stress myself out cuz I push all this stuff aside. I am quite a lazy person. From this position realizing the point when I was a child to now. You know I am a professional skateboarder and I skate way less as I did as a child because there is so much more going in to everything else. It’s like traveling here – Day gone. Fucking Interviews instead of doing just skating. If I would be at home, I would just skate every fucking day. In term, I don’t skate as much as I did. And that’s pretty crazy being a professional skateboarder that skates less than before.






噢, 是的!我跟着Fourstar队伍来这里的时候去过那家古着店,我只是随便逛逛看看这块地方然后买些东西。这家古着店有一些非常酷的衣服,所以我去了那里 买了三件炫酷的夹克。像这边的这件牛仔夹克,我穿着它走到哪都被人夸,它很舒服也很保暖,穿着牛仔衣滑板更是件很棒的事。你懂我所说的吗?因为如果我摔 了,就不会砍到我的胳膊或别的地方了。无论何时我穿着它就像是“去柏林的那次旅行就是这么紧凑”。现在我只需要回去再多买几件!

I saw you with some shopping bags at the cafe a couple minutes ago. So you did go shopping in Berlin?

Oh yeah! I went to that vintage store when I came here for that Fourstar trip and I just was walking around and kinda like checking out the area, bought some stuff. And this vintage store had some fuckin’ cool cloths. So I went in there and got like three sick ass jackets. For example this jeans jacket right here. And I get compliments on that shit all the time. And its comfortable and warm. Skating in jean is really good, too. You know what I mean? Because if I fall I’m not gonna cut my elbow or anything. Whenever I wear it I am like “That trip to Berlin was tight!” And now I just had to go back to buy some more!



我 第一辆车是Honda Cort,然而我的姐姐把车给撞了,我当时就想“好吧,我到底要搞辆什么车呢?”我当时我正跟我的一个老朋友Ben一起滑板,他在费城的BMW工作。他当 时正吹牛说自己搞到了一个非常牛逼的涡轮增压发动机,我当时也正想要一辆车,就说了:“兄弟,我就从你这里把这东西给买了,开个价吧。”他那时候是不想卖 掉的,因为他是BMW的员工知道这非常难找。所以我就自己开始找它们,不经意间我就找到了一辆BMW E 30,如果你看到那辆车一定会被惊艳到。我当时正在加州Scuba的家里,我们就四处转转看看有没有为了ten G’s换成E 36 M S 50的E 30,然后我就说“哟,那就是我呀。”不可思议的是那就发生在离Scuba家只有10分钟的路上。

You are wearing a BMW cap. Are you into German cars?

The first car I owned was a Honda Cort and my sister crashed it and I was like “Aight, what kind of car do I want?” I was skating with this old dude, Ben, in Philadelphia who works on BMW’s. And he had this full swaggin’ pick up turbo diesel, which is fuckin’ amazing! I was looking for a car and was like “Dude, I fuckin’ gonna buy this thing off from you! Name a prize and it is mine!” He did not want to sell it because he also is a BMW guy and knows that they are hard to find and all this shit. So I started researching them but then I found a BMW E 30 and if you see that thing you just think that it is sick as fuck! And I was in California, in Scuba’s house and we were looking around there and found an E 30 for sale with an E 36 M S 50 swapped into it for ten G’s. And I was like “Yo, thats me bro!”. That happened only ten minutes away from Scuba’s house.



Post By: wolfhowl @ 二 01, 2016
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