Shanghai 5 | Charles Lanceplaine自述

大家好,我叫 Charles Lanceplaine,今年23岁,来自法国

我为Shanghai 5的拍摄工作已经花了一年的时间,之所以拍摄这个短片,是因为我觉得对于上海滑板的发展并没有足够的媒体
提升拍摄质量,于是我决定去买一部高清的摄像机(Sony hdr fx7),总体的感觉是这部机器像极了一部vx,拍摄的效果也
那些著名滑板摄影师强烈地影响到了我,从中我得到了灵感,以及动力。这些人包括美国的Ty evans,法国的Fred。个人来
拍摄项目的朋友们,特别是Johnny Tang,他帮助我安排集合我想拍的那些滑手,以及花时间帮我在本地滑手之间翻译沟通,


“Hi Im Charles Lanceplaine,

23 yo from France.

I have been working on the Shanghai 5 for about a year now.

I decided to make this video because I felt there wasnt much coverage about the scène hère and I wanted to show another aspect of skateboarding in China to people who are from Europe or the States. I wanted to show that China is not only marble spots being killed by american skaters but as well a lot of people here in China are pushing the scene and are trying to make a living out of skateboarding, and I figured the best way to show this would be a documentary.

I started filming around a year and half ago after some people from an advertisement agency saw  a short clip I did with a point and shoot, they really liked it and encouraged me to do more. So I decided to buy my first camera which was a Sony hdr fx7 it basically looks like a vx and works like a vx but its an HD camera.

So I first started to film with this camera but the breakthrough for me happened when I bought my first Canon DSLR the 550d I was amazed by the quality of the footage and from there I mainly started shooting with the Canon, for many reasons such as the low light performance and the fact that I can shoot slow motion.

What I always loved about Skateboarding in itself is watching it, and like a lot of skateoarders I grew up watching tons of skate videos,  discovered so many bands through 411 videos, I get really inspired by guys like Ty evans or French Fred, Im personnally bored in front of skate videos where the édit is super fast just tricks tricks tricks, I like to see whats around the spot how is the run having some extra shot. I know a lot of people hate on this lifestyle part but I think its what makes it interesting. I’m a slo mo lover ahahah !

I would like to thank all the skaters who helped me out on this project and especially Johnny tang for his time with translation and getting skaters together.

I owe you one Buddy !”

Post By: Mr.Robot @ 十二 03, 2010
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