Behind The Scene:幕后采访:杭州红牛滑板赛 第一部分

当你想到滑板的时候,一个滑板比赛确实是一件很奇怪的事。滑板本身一直都是被认为是一种“活动”,一种“爱好”,一种“生活方式”或是一种“文化“,而不是一种运动。但是时代已经变了,也真的有滑手可以称自己是“运动员”了。为了拍自己的下一段视频或是为了在比赛中能有更好的状态,那些滑手也确实都在锻炼自己,保持一个健康的饮食让自己的身体处于一种健康的状态。然而还有一种类型的滑手,就是为了有趣、为了拍滑板片才去滑板的,他们在比赛中也依旧能做到这一点。所以当要比赛的时候,你就会面对许许多多不同的滑手,而他们也各自有一套方法去准备比赛。对于普通观众来说,只不过是在看一种从楼梯上跳来跳去的极限运动而已,并没有什么不同。但是对于滑手们来说,幕后的东西就能更好地解释之前发生的一切。关于最近的2015红牛DragonSK8极限腾跃滑板赛,我们也是特地采访了主持人袁飞(Vans Team Manager),职业滑手张子扬,嘉宾裁判Eric Lai(Vagabond Skateboards主理人),还有前三名的滑手(依次):李祉兴(Cons)、陆彦俊(Vans)、Adee Lu (DC)。

When you think about it, a skateboard contest is quite a strange thing. Skateboarding itself has always been considered an “activity”, a “hobby”, a “lifestyle” a “culture” but not a sport. But as times have changed, there really have been skateboarders who can call themselves, “performance athletes”. Those skaters do train their bodies, appropriate a healthy diet and stay fit, either to film their next video part, or to perform well in the contest. Then there’s other kinds of skaters, the ones who skate for fun, skate to film, and do it well enough to enter contests. So when it comes down to contest time, you have an environment of many different skaters that each follow a completely different methodology towards preparing for a contest. But to the normal audience member who’s just in it to see the extreme sport of guys jumping down stairs, it’s all the same. For a skater, a behind the scenes look gives much more perspective on what happened before, during and after the question. For this recent Red Bull Hangzhou contest, we interviewed the host Yuan Fei (Vans Team Manager), professional skater ZZY, guest judge Eric Lai (Owner of Vagabond Skateboards), and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners: Xiao Xing (Cons), Chung Chai (Vans) and Adee Lu (DC) to get their perspective on the contest.






Yuan Fei: 我觉得今年比赛的地方更好,在西湖的边上,有草地,有咖啡馆,姑娘也挺多的哈哈。总体感觉比较舒服喝chill。去年的场地最大的特点是搭建在水面上,看上去非常的牛逼,拍摄出来的镜头效果也很酷,但是交通不太方便,观众也不能近距离的观看比赛。

Skatehere:你觉得那个Red Bull Girl 跟漂亮?

Yuan Fei: 我觉得都一般吧哈哈。但她们都会一点滑板,这个很帅!

Skatehere: 你觉得这年比赛format对滑手公平吗?

Yuan Fei: 不能说是公平或者不公平。我相信在制定比赛规则的时候主办方肯定不会故意设定一些不公平的规则。但是的确在最后4强产生之后,我认为应该采取四个人每人单独比一轮,然后按照表现和分数来决定前三名。而不是继续用pk的方式来决定两个选手可以争夺第一名和第二名,那两个选手只能去争夺三四名。


Skatehere: 你更喜欢喝国外的Red Bull 还是国内的Red Bull?

Yuan Fei: 只要是冰的而且是我很渴的时候,其实都蛮好喝的。国外的红牛有气,味道偏酸一些,会更提神。

Skatehere: 滑板不象其他的运动有那么严格的规则,而且决定的时候有很多特征要考虑的,加入风格,动作难度,成功率,速度,和动作得variety. 你觉得最理想得比赛format是什么?

Yuan Fei: 没有严格的规则也许正是滑板运动的魅力所在,滑板本来就是自由和自我的一个运动。我觉得任何一个format都不可能是完美和面面俱到的,只要大部分滑手觉得规则ok,就没什么问题。裁判也很重要,有权威性的裁判会做出公正并且专业的裁定,可以让参赛滑手和现场观众都信服比赛结果。至于比赛过程中的争议,这个很难百分百去避免,奥运会这种规则相当明确的世界级赛事,一样也会有争议出现。只是在很多时候,滑手和赛事主办方以及裁判之间的沟通和理解是很关键的。


Skatehere: How do you think this year’s Red Bull competition went compared to last year’s competition?

Yuan Fei: I thought this year’s contest’s location was much better, right alongside Hangzhou’s West Lake. The contest was situated on a grass field, there was a coffee shop nearby and alot of cute girls haha. Altogether, the contest was really chill. Last year’s contest was literally on the water, which looked really tight and the photos from the contest came out extremely cool. But transportation to the area was a bitch, and even audience members couldn’t make it into the contest to watch.

Skatehere: Serious Question. Which Red Bull girl was hotter?

Yuan Fei: I thought they were both pretty average haha. But they could both skate which was tight!


Skatehere: Did you think this year’s contest format was fair to the skaters?

Yuan Fei: I don’t think you can call it fair or not fair. I’m certain that when the planning committee was establishing the rules, they didn’t purposely choose to instate unfair rules. But I think when it came down to the final four skaters, I feel that they should have given each skater their own final run, and determined the final three spots from that run, instead of continuing the 1 v 1 format and choosing two skaters to battle out for 1st and 2nd place, and 2 skaters to battle out 3rd and 4th place.

Skatehere: Really important question. Do you like the Red Bull from the States or the Red Bull in China?

Yuan Fei: As long as it’s cold and I’m thirsty, they’re all good. But the Red Bull from the States is carbonated, which adds a lot to the flavor and makes it more refreshing.

Skatehere: Skateboarding doesn’t have strict rules like other sports, and choosing a winner has many different things to take into account like style, difficulty of tricks, success rate, speed, and trick selection. With that said, what do you think would be the most ideal skateboarding contest format?

Yuan Fei: The fact that skateboarding doesn’t have strict rules is what makes it fascinating. Skateboarding is and has always been an independent, self-driven activity. I doesn’t think any format would be ideal to judge skateboarding, but as long as the majority of the skaters think the rules are ok, there should be no problems. The judges are also extremely important, you need to select a judge who can make an authoritative and professional decision that will let the contestants and the audience members trust your judgement and the outcome of the contest. As far as controversies during a contest, it’s quite hard to completely avoid. Even the Olympics with it’s international rules will have discrepancies and controversies that arise. The only important thing is to ensure that the skaters, planning committee and judges have communicated about the rules so everyone is on the same page.





Skatehere: 你觉得这年的红牛比赛跟去年的比赛比起来这么样?有那些区别呢?

Eric: 今年的道具更加好,去年建在桥上的道具很多滑手的板都掉水里去了,今年的改进还是很不错。

Skatehere: 今年有不少滑手的线都滑的很厉害,今年作为裁判之一,决定难吗?

Eric: 8强之后的评分都很困难,我刻俊仔和啊Dee的那一轮很难评,两个到最后体力不支只成功了很少动作,这个是打分最困难的一轮。

Skatehere: 比赛当中滑手动作有让你惊讶的吗?

Eric: 小鸡的b/s 360 flip. 还是第一次在国内的比赛看到有人做这个动作。


Skatehere: 你觉得这年比赛format对滑手公平吗?

Eric: 一对一的淘汰对抗赛制当然存在运气成分,只要不是被特意安排的我觉得都是公平的。如果能够提前公布赛制我觉得能避免很多争议。

Skatehere: 滑板不象其他的运动有那么严格的规则,而且决定的时候有很多特征要考虑得,加入风格,动作难度,成功率,速度,和动作得variety. 你觉得最理想得比赛format是什么? 明年对比赛有什么建议?

Eric: 我认为果酱赛是比较合理的,比起一个人一在场地里的压力是少很多,能更好的发挥自己的水平,例如能够做出更难的动作。如果你一个人在场地一分钟的比赛你几乎都不能做难度高容易失误的动作。如果是 3分钟的果酱赛的话我相信大家都会尝试做出自己最难的动作。


Post By: Skate Rat @ 八 14, 2015
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