不认识Bobby de Keyzer?2014白过了!

bobby dekeyzer


姓名:Bobby de Keyzer





赞助商:Element Canada, DC, Thunder, Scotties Skate Shop, Skate Loft

2014年,不知道从那里突然跳出来一个Bobby de Keyzer,凭借超强的实力,占据着各种杂志的封面和头条。对那些熟悉他的人来说,这几年他简直在以光速进步。在成长的过程中,如果你是幸运的,你可能会在力量和风格上比普通人高出一点。Bobby就是这样的幸运儿,他在力量和风格上比别人足足高出好几筹!几个月前,他的Blue Tile Lounge欢迎片段放出之后,大受好评,紧接着他又放出 Bobby Bitch片段,用稳固的实力证明了自己不是一个空架子。今天我们给大家带来了他DC shoes 的DE Funkt剪辑、Blue Tile Lounge片段还有前不久的Firing line. 看的时候长点心,不要让下巴掉在地上哦。

It seemed like out of nowhere, 2014 became Bobby de Keyzer’s year. He started off with some solid coverage in the mags, and those that had been watching the little kid from southern Ontario for a few years probably noticed a growth spurt. With growth, if you’re lucky, comes more power and style. Bobby was in fact lucky, and he seemed to gain both power and style in spades. His Welcome to the Blue Tile Lounge part drew heaps of praise when it dropped a couple of months ago, and a quick indoor part shortly afterwards, entitled Bobby Bitch, further solidified his reputation as one of the top up-and-comers in skateboarding. With the release of this De Funkt part from DC, in addition to his newfound home at Habitat, there’s no doubt this kid is going to continue to make heads turn and jaws drop. –Jeff Thorburn







source:concrete  thrasher

Post By: Skate Rat @ 一 12, 2015
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