上海 “We Pimp Your Pointer” 活动

We Pimp Your Pointer
Date: September 9th Opening Exhibition
September 17th Auction & Party
Venue: source Shanghai / 158 Xin Le Lu
Time: 19:30 – 22:00
活动日期: 9月9日开幕展览
地点: 新乐路158号 上海Source
时间: 19:30-22:00
One of England’s finest fashion shoe brands Pointer (www.pointerfootwear.com) comes to the forefront of Chinese art and fashion with “We Pimp Your Pointer” event at source. The event will bring together some of Shanghai’s finest young designers and artists together with their international peers, to paint on blank Pointer shoes. On September 9th, artists such as Nini Sum, Elephant, and graffiti artist Dezio will converge on the source to present their works for the opening exhibition starting at 19:30.
来自英国高端街头品牌Pointer (www.pointerfootwear.com) 联合上海Source将举办” We Pimp Your Pointer” 活动 . 此次活动聚集了沪上知名的年轻设计师和艺术家,与以往不同的是,他们要把自己的作品呈现在Pointer鞋上 。9月9日晚19:30在Source举办的发布会上,艺术家Nini Sum和Elephant,以及涂鸦艺术家Dezio将会率先推出个人作品。
Artists and designers totaling 14 will each customize a pair of blank white Soma II Pointer shoes for the Pimp Your Pointer Event. The art pieces will be set for auction on September 17th, where shoe fans can bid for their favorite designs. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be given to the Shanghai Sunrise Charity Foundation, which supports underprivileged children to continue their education.
共有14名艺术家和设计师会推出亲手绘制的Pointer Soma II,所有作品将在9月17日的拍卖会上以竞价方式面向大众出售。此次活动的部分收益将捐给上海慈善机构初升的太阳,用于资助贫困儿童完成学业。
Event organizer Antonio Aparisi originally created the ‘Pimp Your Pumps’ event in Spain, where he invited European artists to paint on low-top canvas shoes. “It was a big success” Aparisi said of the event back in Spain, and “all of the artists involved made fantastic work, a lot of people came to the event and it was seriously fun.”
本次活动的组织者Antonio Aparisi曾经在西班牙创办过‘Pimp Your Pumps’,当时他邀请了一些欧洲的艺术家在低帮帆布鞋上作画。“那次活动很成功” Aparisi回忆道,“所有作品都非常棒,来参加活动的人们也玩得很开心。”
At the exhibition opening of “We Pimp Your Pointer” on September 9th, source will also be launching a new collection of Fall/Winter Pointer shoes. With models for both men and women, the new Pointer collection caters for everyone who wants to wear casual day-to-day footwear with simple, low profile design aesthetics yet benefit from optimum quality with exceptional comfort. Pointer shoes are for the sneaker-freaker who is over technical design and forced design elements…Pointer keeps it minimalist, stylish and comfortable.
在9月9日的“We Pimp Your Pointer”活动开幕当天,Source也将会发布Pointer的秋冬男女新款。本季新品秉承了Pointer舒适至上的精湛的制鞋工艺,外形简洁低调同时又具设计感。若你是个不爱追求高科技和大众流行的怪咖,试试Pointer吧,它简约,个性且舒适无比。
With support from That’s Shanghai and Urbanatomy, interested people can visit the online gallery at www.urbanatomy.com/pointerbids and bid on your favorite pair of Pointers from September 9th.
本次活动也受到That’s Shanghai 和 Urbanatomy的大力支持,从9月9日起即可登录www.urbanatomy.com/pointerbids 点击查看并竞标自己喜欢的Pointer.
For more information on “We Pimp Your Pointer” event, log onto www.thesource.cn.
更多关于“We Pimp Your Pointer”活动详情请登录www.thesource.cn 。
Antonio Aparisi / aparisiprado@yahoo.es

Founded in May 2004 by Gareth Skewis, designed and based in London, Pointer footwear is an independent casual and street-wear inspired footwear company. Due to steady growth in the popularity of the casual shoe, Pointer was created to cater for people who were not interested in wearing technical sports shoes, bulky trainers or the latest limited edition trainers. Pointer is not an athletic inspired shoe company, but more of a “lifestyle” brand. Its aim is to cater for everyone who wants to wear casual day-to-day footwear with simple, low profile design aesthetics yet benefit from optimum quality with exceptional comfort.
来自英国伦敦的Pointer, 是一家起源于休闲类街头文化的独立球鞋品牌。 现今球鞋文化受到越来越多人的追捧,Pointer旨在为那些不喜欢穿专业运动鞋,或是最新限量鞋的人而打造。与其说经营的是专业运动鞋,不如说是一个倡导生活态度的品牌。如果你喜欢每天穿着球鞋,并讲究杰出的舒适体验,而非那些华而不实的外表,那Pointer就是你独一无二的选择。

Source Ethos “If your way of life calls for premium fashion with an international street culture edge, don’t follow…lead.”
source is more than a clothing store, it’s a hub for street culture. We demand any subject whether it be art, music, or apparel represents an original, fresh and innovative perspective. Our ideals are simple: the right to choose, the right to be unique, and the right to live street. We are China’s premium multi-branded street fashion concept. Why? We represent the most authentic brands from around the world. Since 2006 we’ve been showcasing the latest in local and international street culture to our audience in China.
Source 思潮 “如果你崇尚高端街头文化,不要跟风,来引领。诚邀你入队Source!”
source 不单是一家多品牌服装店,它更是一个时尚指标。source要求一切内容都是保持原创,有型,新颖以及充满无限创意的。source坚持最纯粹的心态来选择,成为标新立异的发源地,并且回归街头,成为时尚一员。 Source是中国一家高端街头时尚品牌概念店。我们只选择全球最出色的品牌。自2006年起,我们始终致力于将最新的国内外街头文化第一时间传达给中国消费者。

Post By: admin @ 九 08, 2010
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