VERT Clothing 2013 夏季系列Video+图片Lookbook发表

VERT Clothing 带来了他们2013 夏季系列新品Lookbook。包括视频与图片两部分组成,Video跟随Johnnie Tang,Brian Dollie与Brad Sliger以上海一天滑板生活角度出发跟拍取景。更是将多角度运用相结合,既具匠心又有滑觉。

图片Lookbook则是由Johnnie Tang与Jay Maedor出任模特,产品以设计简洁精细的衬衫,短裤,口袋T恤,图案背心为主。现已上架Fly Streetwear

Video制作:Charles Lanceplaine

Lookbook摄影:Tobias Kegler


Video Lookbook:




VERT 13年开始采用全新的环保系列产品线,包括麻布,Tencil®等材质运用成为全新亮点。依旧的经典韵味,加以简洁的设计与精于细节的优良改善。


About VERT:

“VERT designs and manufactures its own environmentally responsible clothing line, handling every aspect in-house from concepts, specs, fabrics, to manufacturing the finished product. Since day one its been the same crew, vision, and movement. Releasing timeless pieces that focus on the fine details that enhance comfort, quality, function and performance.

Born in 1996 and following the same outlook ever since, our open-minded vision on the many walks of life are reflected in the way we have conducted business and the products we have released. Staying classic has allowed us to adapt and stay relevant after so many years. Bringing together a range of influences for inspiration that include skate, surf, music, traveling, all aside from noticing and appreciating the uniquely designed and expressed world around us. The channeling of these influences to create and produce defines VERT and the passion to push forward.

For 2013 we have increased our focus on limited production and added more eco-friendly fabrics and processes in addition to the methods used on previous lines. Watch for more styles made from hemp, Tencil and recycled materials.

Source:VERT Clothing

Post By: wolfhowl @ 六 04, 2013
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